Ace's client is an asset manager with a significant portion of its fixed-rate bond investment portfolio maturing soon. Ace intends to reinvest the proceeds in five-year bond maturities. Which of the following describes the best course of action in the derivatives market for Ace's client to address its bond reinvestment risk?
A.Ace's client should consider receiving fixed on a cash-settled five-year forward-starting swap that starts and settles in three months in order to best address its bond reinvestment risk.
B.Ace's client should consider paying fixed on a cash-settled five-year forward-starting swap starting in three months in order to best address its bond reinvestment risk.
C.Ace's client should consider entering a series of forward rate agreements (FRAs) from today until five years from now under which it pays a fixed rate and receives a floating rate each period ending in five years to address its bond reinvestment risk.
A is correct.
Ace's client should consider receiving fixed on a five-year swap. A receive-fixed swap has a risk and return profile similar to that of a long fixed-rate bond position. Ace's client would therefore expect to have a similar MTM gain or loss on the swap position as if it had purchased a five-year bond at inception.