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哈密瓜 · 2025年01月19日

German的 currency asset不是从55million到51million了,降了吗,怎么这块Rfc带来的收益会



Marina Campos is a senior portfolio manager for Sabanai Investimentos in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The first client is Gilvan Araujo Dias, a high-net-worth client who has given Sabanai responsibility for managing his foreign investments, which consist of equity investments in the United Kingdom and Germany. His other assets consist of equity and corporate bond investments in Brazil. Exhibit 1 summarizes information on Dias's foreign portfolio holdings and exchange rates.

Based on the information provided in Exhibit 1, the domestic currency value of Dias's foreign investments most likely:



decreased because of changes in the domestic currency value of foreign asset holdings


increased because of changes in the domestic currency value of UK assets but decreased because of changes in the domestic currency value of German assets


increased because of changes in the domestic currency value of foreign asset holdings


Correct Answer: C

The domestic currency value of Dias's portfolio of foreign assets most likely increased because of changes in the domestic currency value of foreign asset holdings. The domestic currency return of the portfolio of foreign assets is:

RDC = w1[(1 + RFC,GBP)(1 + RFX,GBP) -1]+ w2[(1 + RFC,EUR)(1 + RFX,EUR) – 1]

= 0.659[(86,000,000/83,400,000)(4.1025/3.8729)-1]

+0.341[(51,000,000/55,000,000)(3.5142/3.0359)-1]= 0.659(0.0923) + 0.341(0.0734)= 0.0858

The calculations show that the domestic currency value of the portfolio of foreign assets increased because of changes (i.e., increases) in the domestic currency value of UK and German equity investments. Note

w1 = 322,999,860/489,974,360 = 0.659 and w2 = 166,974,500/489,974,360 = 0.341

A is incorrect. The domestic currency value of the portfolio increased, and the domestic currency value of UK and German investments increased.

B is incorrect. The domestic currency value of the portfolio increased because of increases in the domestic currency value of UK and German investments. It is the foreign currency value of German equity investments that declined.

German的 currency asset不是从55million到51million了,降了吗,怎么这块Rfc带来的收益会increase?解析里把这两个外币算权重,算整体的RDC收益确实是正的,但正确选项中说的是英国和德国资产收益率都increased了,表格中显示,英国的是增了,但德国的是降了呀,哪里想错了

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NO.PZ2022123002000005 问题如下 Marina Campos is a seniorportfolio manager for SabanInvestimentos in SPaulo, Brazil. The firstclient is GilvAraujo as, a high-net-worth client who hgiven Sabanairesponsibility for managing his foreign investments, whiconsist of equityinvestments in the UniteKingm anGermany. His other assets consist ofequity ancorporate boninvestments in Brazil. Exhibit 1 summarizes informationon as's foreign portfolio holngs anexchange rates.Baseon theinformation proviin Exhibit 1, the mestic currenvalue of as'sforeign investments most likely: A.creasebecause of changes in the mestic currencyvalue of foreign asset holngs B.increasebecause of changes in the mestic currencyvalue of UK assets but creasebecause of changes in the mestic currencyvalue of Germassets C.increasebecause of changes in the mestic currencyvalue of foreign asset holngs CorreAnswer: CThe mesticcurrenvalue of as's portfolio of foreign assets most likely increaseecause of changes in the mestic currenvalue of foreign asset holngs.The mestic currenreturn of the portfolio of foreign assets is:R = w1[(1+ RFC,GBP)(1 + RFX,GBP) -1]+ w2[(1 + RFC,EUR)(1+ RFX,EUR) – 1]= 0.659[(86,000,000/83,400,000)(4.1025/3.8729)-1]+0.341[(51,000,000/55,000,000)(3.5142/3.0359)-1]=0.659(0.0923) + 0.341(0.0734)= 0.0858The calculationsshow ththe mestic currenvalue of the portfolio of foreign assetsincreasebecause of changes (i.e., increases) in the mestic currenvalueof UK anGermequity investments. Notew1 =322,999,860/489,974,360 = 0.659 anw2 = 166,974,500/489,974,360 =0.341A is incorrect.The mestic currenvalue of the portfolio increase anthe mestic currencyvalue of UK anGerminvestments increaseB is incorrect.The mestic currenvalue of the portfolio increasebecause of increases inthe mestic currenvalue of UK anGerminvestments. It is the foreign currencyvalue of Germequity investments thcline R = w1[(1 + RFC,GBP)(1 + RFX,GBP) -1]+ w2[(1 + RFC,EUR)(1 + RFX,EUR) – 1]= 0.659[(86,000,000/83,400,000)(4.1025/3.8729)-1]+0.341[(51,000,000/55,000,000)(3.5142/3.0359)-1]= 0.659(0.0923) + 0.341(0.0734)= 0.0858The calculations show ththe mestic currenvalue of the portfolio of foreign assets increasebecause of changes (i.e., increases) in the mestic currenvalue of UK anGermequity investments. 【1.怎么从R=0.0858推导出这个结论的?2.把不同时间所有外币都统一成巴西币,然后进行对比,不是一眼就能看出结果了么,为什么还要那么复杂的计算】

2024-01-08 13:53 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022123002000005 问题如下 Marina Campos is a seniorportfolio manager for SabanInvestimentos in SPaulo, Brazil. The firstclient is GilvAraujo as, a high-net-worth client who hgiven Sabanairesponsibility for managing his foreign investments, whiconsist of equityinvestments in the UniteKingm anGermany. His other assets consist ofequity ancorporate boninvestments in Brazil. Exhibit 1 summarizes informationon as's foreign portfolio holngs anexchange rates.Baseon theinformation proviin Exhibit 1, the mestic currenvalue of as'sforeign investments most likely: A.creasebecause of changes in the mestic currencyvalue of foreign asset holngs B.increasebecause of changes in the mestic currencyvalue of UK assets but creasebecause of changes in the mestic currencyvalue of Germassets C.increasebecause of changes in the mestic currencyvalue of foreign asset holngs CorreAnswer: CThe mesticcurrenvalue of as's portfolio of foreign assets most likely increaseecause of changes in the mestic currenvalue of foreign asset holngs.The mestic currenreturn of the portfolio of foreign assets is:R = w1[(1+ RFC,GBP)(1 + RFX,GBP) -1]+ w2[(1 + RFC,EUR)(1+ RFX,EUR) – 1]= 0.659[(86,000,000/83,400,000)(4.1025/3.8729)-1]+0.341[(51,000,000/55,000,000)(3.5142/3.0359)-1]=0.659(0.0923) + 0.341(0.0734)= 0.0858The calculationsshow ththe mestic currenvalue of the portfolio of foreign assetsincreasebecause of changes (i.e., increases) in the mestic currenvalueof UK anGermequity investments. Notew1 =322,999,860/489,974,360 = 0.659 anw2 = 166,974,500/489,974,360 =0.341A is incorrect.The mestic currenvalue of the portfolio increase anthe mestic currencyvalue of UK anGerminvestments increaseB is incorrect.The mestic currenvalue of the portfolio increasebecause of increases inthe mestic currenvalue of UK anGerminvestments. It is the foreign currencyvalue of Germequity investments thcline w1 = 322,999,860/489,974,360 = 0.659 anw2 = 166,974,500/489,974,360 = 0.341

2023-02-12 20:48 1 · 回答