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yan · 2025年01月06日

能否解释一下,为什么高协方差会导致低active risk

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From Exhibit 3, the replacement candidate fund that, if included, will most likely minimize the active risk of the final Amity equity fund is:







A is correct. Active risk is a measure of the volatility of portfolio returns relative to the volatility of benchmark returns. The Ash fund will most likely minimize the active risk when combined in the final Amity equity portfolio because of its high covariance with the present fund. The low-covariance funds may reduce overall portfolio volatility but not active risk.

B is incorrect. The low covariance with the Amity portfolio will lower the overall volatility of the fund but not the active risk, because active risk measures the volatility of portfolio returns relative to that of the benchmark: This will be achieved through the substitution of a high-covariance fund.

C is incorrect. The low covariance with the Amity portfolio will lower the overall volatility of the fund but not the active risk, because active risk measures the volatility of portfolio returns relative to that of the benchmark: This will be achieved through the substitution of a high covariance fund.



选项AAsh基金。 Ash基金与Amity基金的协方差较高,这意味着该基金的收益波动率与Amity基金的收益波动率相似。当两个基金的收益波动率相似时,它们可以在组合中相互对冲,从而减少整体的主动风险。尽管Ash基金的主动风险较高,但与Amity基金的高协方差意味着它在组合中的贡献将最有效地降低整体的主动风险。因此,正确答案是A



能否解释一下,为什么高协方差会导致低active risk

1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2025年01月06日


能否解释一下,为什么高协方差会导致低active risk


这里需补充一个已知条件:原来的基金是amity,这个原来的amity基金是风险有效的(risk efficiency)。


Amity基金是risk efficiency的

现在要把amity基金中的20%,替换成其他的基金,新基金是80% 的amity + 20% 的其他基金,要让新基金依然风险有效(risk efficiency)

因为原来的基金已经risk efficiency了,所以我们替换的这部分,要与原来的基金相关性高,协方差高。

这样组合起来的新基金才不会改变老基金risk efficiency的特征。






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NO.PZ202207040100000405 问题如下 From Exhibit 3, the replacement cante funthat, if inclu will most likely minimize the active risk of the finAmity equity funis: A.Ash. B.Blue. C.March. SolutionA is correct. Active risk is a measure of the volatility of portfolio returns relative to the volatility of benchmark returns. The Ash funwill most likely minimize the active risk when combinein the finAmity equity portfolio because of its high covarianwith the present fun The low-covarianfun mreoverall portfolio volatility but not active risk.B is incorrect. The low covarianwith the Amity portfolio will lower the overall volatility of the funbut not the active risk, because active risk measures the volatility of portfolio returns relative to thof the benchmark: This will achievethrough the substitution of a high-covarianfunC is incorrect. The low covarianwith the Amity portfolio will lower the overall volatility of the funbut not the active risk, because active risk measures the volatility of portfolio returns relative to thof the benchmark: This will achievethrough the substitution of a high covarianfun中文解析本题考查的是主动风险。这道题目要求根据给出的数据选择一个能够最有效降低整体投资组合(Amity基金)主动风险的基金。主动风险是指投资组合回报与基准回报之间的波动差异,题目要求从三个基金中选择一个能够最小化这一差异的基金。AAsh基金。 Ash基金与Amity基金的协方差较高,这意味着该基金的收益波动率与Amity基金的收益波动率相似。当两个基金的收益波动率相似时,它们可以在组合中相互对冲,从而减少整体的主动风险。尽管Ash基金的主动风险较高,但与Amity基金的高协方差意味着它在组合中的贡献将最有效地降低整体的主动风险。因此,正确答案是B不正确。Blue基金与Amity基金的协方差较低,虽然这可以降低组合的整体波动性,但它不会减少主动风险。主动风险衡量的是投资组合相对于基准的波动性,低协方差的基金会减少整体波动性,但无法有效降低主动风险。C也不正确。尽管March基金与Amity基金的协方差也较低,且其年化主动风险最小,但它不能有效降低主动风险,因为其收益波动率与Amity基金的收益波动率差异较大,低协方差的基金对于降低主动风险的效果有限。 如题

2024-11-28 11:04 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202207040100000405 问题如下 Lisette LanghCase ScenarioExhibit 1 RewarFactor ResultsOn viewing Exhibit 1, Shmakes the following comments about the MFC Value FunThe small-ctilt helpeValue fun were out of favor, shown the Value factor results.Of course, the MFC Value Funmust have a lower alpha because its performanw0.03 percentage point worse thits benchmark.Shhparticulinterest in MFC’s populSoFun(Soar), whirelies on returns from factor exposures. The scription of the funstates thit emphasizes security-specific factors, maintains low security concentration to keep iosyncratic risk wn, anembraces quality anvalue styles. Sooccasionally consirs the economic angeopoliticenvironment, especially ring unusueconomic contions. Langhtells Shhow she classifies Soar’s portfolio construction approach.Noting thMFC htwo managers who use the same inx their benchmark, Shobserves thFunA anFunB have similActive Share ana similnumber of positions, but FunA’s realizeactive risk of 7% is almost three times greater ththof FunShmakes the following comments:I think FunB makes a lot of sector bets.FunA likely hhigher fees thFunB FunA shoulhave a greater spersion of returns about the benchmark. Shnext asks Langhto show how risk targets anconstraints might ffer between funmanagers penng on their respective skills. LanghhShconsir three funmanagers, eaof whom use the MSWorlInx benchmark. For eafun risk targets have been assignethallow the portfolio managers some flexibility to exercise their perceiveskillsets. Skills inclu stopicking, factor exposure, ansector rotation. Baseon only the ta shown in Exhibit 2, Langhintifies the skill applieeamanager. Exhibit 2: Risk Targets anConstraintsAnother of Langham’s clients, Marianne Quint, sits on the investment committee of the Amity IslanEnwment. The $2 billion equity portion of the Amity funis investeusing a globequity inx approach. Quint hbeen chargewith intifying active equity funto repla20% of the inxeportfolio. Three cante fun with similperformanhistories, benchmarks, anfees have been intifie Baseon the characteristishown in Exhibit 3, Quint asks Langhto recommenthe funthhmonstratethe best risk-efficient livery of results. Exhibit 3 Characteristiof Cantes for Amity Equity PortfolioLanghalso intifies the funthcoulminimize the active risk of the tot$2 billion Amity equity portfolio after replacement is complete. Question From Exhibit 3, the replacement cante funthat, if inclu will most likely minimize the active risk of the finAmity equity funis: A.Ash. B.Blue. C.March. SolutionA is correct. Active risk is a measure of the volatility of portfolio returns relative to the volatility of benchmark returns. The Ash funwill most likely minimize the active risk when combinein the finAmity equity portfolio because of its high covarianwith the present fun The low-covarianfun mreoverall portfolio volatility but not active risk.B is incorrect. The low covarianwith the Amity portfolio will lower the overall volatility of the funbut not the active risk, because active risk measures the volatility of portfolio returns relative to thof the benchmark: This will achievethrough the substitution of a high-covarianfunC is incorrect. The low covarianwith the Amity portfolio will lower the overall volatility of the funbut not the active risk, because active risk measures the volatility of portfolio returns relative to thof the benchmark: This will achievethrough the substitution of a high covarianfun Hi, Unr No.PZ202207040100000404 (选择题组)- we choose Marbaseon whione hthe lowest Active risk/ Active share However unr the current one, we look the convariance, whimethoratio shoulwe use? Thanks

2024-06-29 23:48 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202207040100000405Active risk的公式算法要求掌握嗎?這題可以從active risk公式的角度分析嗎?

2023-02-20 16:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202207040100000405 问题如下 From Exhibit 3, the replacement cante funthat, if inclu will most likely minimize the active risk of the finAmity equity funis: A.Ash. B.Blue. C.March. SolutionA is correct. Active risk is a measure of the volatility of portfolio returns relative to the volatility of benchmark returns. The Ash funwill most likely minimize the active risk when combinein the finAmity equity portfolio because of its high covarianwith the present fun The low-covarianfun mreoverall portfolio volatility but not active risk.B is incorrect. The low covarianwith the Amity portfolio will lower the overall volatility of the funbut not the active risk, because active risk measures the volatility of portfolio returns relative to thof the benchmark: This will achievethrough the substitution of a high-covarianfunC is incorrect. The low covarianwith the Amity portfolio will lower the overall volatility of the funbut not the active risk, because active risk measures the volatility of portfolio returns relative to thof the benchmark: This will achievethrough the substitution of a high covarianfun 麻烦老师讲下这道题,谢谢

2023-01-30 15:08 2 · 回答