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坚持努力 · 2025年01月03日

这题 intreast rate 改变除了影响benchmark那边是不是还会影响roll yield?



A junior analyst considers a 10-year high-yield bond issued by EKN Corporation (EKN) position in a high-yield portfolio. The bond has a price of 91.82, a modified duration of 8.47, and a spread duration of 8.47.

The analyst speculates on the effects of an interest rate increase of 20 bps and, because of a change in its credit risk, an increase in the EKN bond’s credit spread of 20 bps.

The analyst comments that because the modified duration and the credit spread duration of the EKN bond are equal, the bond’s price will not change (all else being equal) in response to the interest rate and credit spread changes.

Is the analyst’s prediction correct that the EKN bond price will not change in response to the interest rate and credit spread changes, all else being equal?





No, the bond price should decrease.


No, the bond price should increase.


B is correct. An increase in interest rates results in a decrease in the bond price. An increase in the credit spread also results in a decrease in the bond price.

For the EKN bond, its modified duration shows the effect of the 20 bp increase in interest rates. The approximate percentage price change resulting from the increase in interest rates is –8.47 × 0.0020 = –1.694%.

The spread duration shows the effect of the 20 bp increase in the credit spread. The approximate percentage price change resulting from the increase in the credit spread is –8.47 × 0.0020 = –1.694%. The combined effect is a total change of –3.388%, or a price decrease of roughly 3.4%

这题 intreast rate 改变除了影响benchmark那边是不是还会影响roll yield? 从而也会让价格下跌?

1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2025年01月04日

这题 intreast rate 改变除了影响benchmark那边是不是还会影响roll yield? 从而也会让价格下跌?

不考虑roll yield。因为roll down return强调的是,整个投资期间利率曲线stable稳定不变,期初投资债券时,债券还是一个长期债券,对应的折现率是长期债券的YTM。期末债券的期限变短,折现率调整成短期折现率。因为长期、短期折现率有差异,所以有一个价差收益。

一般而言,利率曲线是upward-sloping,长期YTM大于短期YTM,所以期初的折现率更大,期末的折现了更小,由于期末的折现率小,导致期末价格上升。于是有price appreciation。这是属于roll down return。

这个roll down return的产生,就只能是债券的期限变短,而且有个硬前提条件,就是利率曲线stable不变。

而像这道题的题干里面,并没有说利率曲线stable,也没有刻意提到roll down return,所以这道题没有roll down return的考虑。


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NO.PZ2021120102000011 问题如下 A junior analystconsirs a 10-yehigh-yielbonissueEKN Corporation (EKN) position ina high-yielportfolio. The bonha priof 91.82, a mofieration of8.47, ana spreration of 8.47. The analyst speculates on the effects ofinterest rate increase of 20 bps an because of a change in its cretrisk, increase in the EKN bons cret spreof 20 bps.The analyst comments thbecause the mofieration anthecret spreration of the EKN bonare equal, the bons priwill notchange (all else being equal) in response to the interest rate ancretsprechanges. Is the analyst’s prection correththe EKN bonpricewill not change in response to the interest rate ancret sprechanges, allelse being equal? A.Yes. B.No, the bonprishoulcrease. C.No, the bonprishoulincrease. Bis correct. increase in interest rates results in a crease in the bonprice. increase in the cret sprealsoresults in a crease in the bonprice.Forthe EKN bon its mofieration shows the effeof the 20 increase in interest rates. The approximatepercentage prichange resulting from the increasein interest rates is –8.47 × 0.0020 = –1.694%. Thespreration shows the effeof the 20 increase in the cret spreaThe approximate percentage prichangeresulting from the increase in the cret spreis –8.47 × 0.0020 = –1.694%. The combineeffeis a totalchange of –3.388%, or a pricrease ofroughly 3.4% 请问如果此题一个升20一个减20,就是不变对吗?

2024-08-05 11:02 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021120102000011 问题如下 A junior analystconsirs a 10-yehigh-yielbonissueEKN Corporation (EKN) position ina high-yielportfolio. The bonha priof 91.82, a mofieration of8.47, ana spreration of 8.47. The analyst speculates on the effects ofinterest rate increase of 20 bps an because of a change in its cretrisk, increase in the EKN bons cret spreof 20 bps.The analyst comments thbecause the mofieration anthecret spreration of the EKN bonare equal, the bons priwill notchange (all else being equal) in response to the interest rate ancretsprechanges. Is the analyst’s prection correththe EKN bonpricewill not change in response to the interest rate ancret sprechanges, allelse being equal? A.Yes. B.No, the bonprishoulcrease. C.No, the bonprishoulincrease. Bis correct. increase in interest rates results in a crease in the bonprice. increase in the cret sprealsoresults in a crease in the bonprice.Forthe EKN bon its mofieration shows the effeof the 20 increase in interest rates. The approximatepercentage prichange resulting from the increasein interest rates is –8.47 × 0.0020 = –1.694%. Thespreration shows the effeof the 20 increase in the cret spreaThe approximate percentage prichangeresulting from the increase in the cret spreis –8.47 × 0.0020 = –1.694%. The combineeffeis a totalchange of –3.388%, or a pricrease ofroughly 3.4% 题目里面说The analyst speculates on the effects of interest rate increase of 20 bps an because of a change in its cret risk, increase in the EKN bons cret spreof 20 bps。根据△Yc=△Yb+sprea个公式,我理解这里是说△Yc=20bps,是由于sprea加了20bps引起的,这里的△Yb应该是=0的。同时,Mofieration衡量的是YTM(不是benchmark rate)变动带来的价格影响,所以这道问题实际是考察YTM变动和spre变动带来的价格差异,而不是benchmark rate变动和spre变动带来的价格差异。债券价格整体变动应该就是-1.69%,而不是答案中的-3.338%老师,我的理解对吗?

2024-06-15 08:01 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021120102000011 问题如下 A junior analystconsirs a 10-yehigh-yielbonissueEKN Corporation (EKN) position ina high-yielportfolio. The bonha priof 91.82, a mofieration of8.47, ana spreration of 8.47. The analyst speculates on the effects ofinterest rate increase of 20 bps an because of a change in its cretrisk, increase in the EKN bons cret spreof 20 bps.The analyst comments thbecause the mofieration anthecret spreration of the EKN bonare equal, the bons priwill notchange (all else being equal) in response to the interest rate ancretsprechanges. Is the analyst’s prection correththe EKN bonpricewill not change in response to the interest rate ancret sprechanges, allelse being equal? A.Yes. B.No, the bonprishoulcrease. C.No, the bonprishoulincrease. Bis correct. increase in interest rates results in a crease in the bonprice. increase in the cret sprealsoresults in a crease in the bonprice.Forthe EKN bon its mofieration shows the effeof the 20 increase in interest rates. The approximatepercentage prichange resulting from the increasein interest rates is –8.47 × 0.0020 = –1.694%. Thespreration shows the effeof the 20 increase in the cret spreaThe approximate percentage prichangeresulting from the increase in the cret spreis –8.47 × 0.0020 = –1.694%. The combineeffeis a totalchange of –3.388%, or a pricrease ofroughly 3.4% r上升 sprea降

2024-05-20 11:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021120102000011 问题如下 A junior analystconsirs a 10-yehigh-yielbonissueEKN Corporation (EKN) position ina high-yielportfolio. The bonha priof 91.82, a mofieration of8.47, ana spreration of 8.47. The analyst speculates on the effects ofinterest rate increase of 20 bps an because of a change in its cretrisk, increase in the EKN bons cret spreof 20 bps.The analyst comments thbecause the mofieration anthecret spreration of the EKN bonare equal, the bons priwill notchange (all else being equal) in response to the interest rate ancretsprechanges. Is the analyst’s prection correththe EKN bonpricewill not change in response to the interest rate ancret sprechanges, allelse being equal? A.Yes. B.No, the bonprishoulcrease. C.No, the bonprishoulincrease. Bis correct. increase in interest rates results in a crease in the bonprice. increase in the cret sprealsoresults in a crease in the bonprice.Forthe EKN bon its mofieration shows the effeof the 20 increase in interest rates. The approximatepercentage prichange resulting from the increasein interest rates is –8.47 × 0.0020 = –1.694%. Thespreration shows the effeof the 20 increase in the cret spreaThe approximate percentage prichangeresulting from the increase in the cret spreis –8.47 × 0.0020 = –1.694%. The combineeffeis a totalchange of –3.388%, or a pricrease ofroughly 3.4% 关于计算债券价格变动的公式1.change in price=mofieration *change in interest rate; 2.change in price=.-(mofieration*change in yiel+1/2*convexity*the square of change in yiel请问这两个公式是不是都能计算债券价格的变动?这两个公式在应用上有什么关系

2024-02-02 23:11 1 · 回答