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程卤蛋蛋 · 2025年01月01日

Statement 2怎么理解?

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Which of West’s statements regarding rebalancing ranges is least likely correct?



Statement 1.


Statement 2.

C.Statement 3.


Correct Answer: C

Statement 3 is incorrect. Rebalancing ranges for non-US developed equity should be wider than US equity under the cost-benefit (not proportional range) because it has higher transaction costs. Rebalancing ranges under the proportional range approach are defined as +/– 600 basis points for all asset classes in this example and are computed as follows.

Rebalancing ranges for bonds under the proportional range approach:

20% × (1 + 600 bps) = 20% × 1.06 = 21.2%

20% × (1 – 600 bps) = 20% × 0.94 = 18.8%

Hypothetical Rebalancing Ranges under Three Different Approaches

如题,Statement 2没有看懂

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NO.PZ202204250100001504 问题如下 Whiof West’s statements regarng rebalancing ranges is least likely correct? A.Statement 1. B.Statement 2. C.Statement 3. CorreAnswer: CStatement 3 is incorrect. Rebalancing ranges for non-USvelopeequity shoulwir thUS equity unr the cost-benefit (notproportionrange) because it hhigher transaction costs. Rebalancing rangesunr the proportionrange approaare fine+/– 600 basis points forall asset classes in this example anare computefollows. Rebalancing rangesfor bon unr the proportionrange approach:20% × (1 + 600bps) = 20% × 1.06 = 21.2% 20% × (1 – 600bps) = 20% × 0.94 = 18.8%HypotheticalRebalancing Ranges unr Three fferent Approaches +/– 600 basis points

2024-12-31 11:50 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202204250100001504 问题如下 Whiof West’s statements regarng rebalancing ranges is least likely correct? A.Statement 1. B.Statement 2. C.Statement 3. CorreAnswer: CStatement 3 is incorrect. Rebalancing ranges for non-USvelopeequity shoulwir thUS equity unr the cost-benefit (notproportionrange) because it hhigher transaction costs. Rebalancing rangesunr the proportionrange approaare fine+/– 600 basis points forall asset classes in this example anare computefollows. Rebalancing rangesfor bon unr the proportionrange approach:20% × (1 + 600bps) = 20% × 1.06 = 21.2% 20% × (1 – 600bps) = 20% × 0.94 = 18.8%HypotheticalRebalancing Ranges unr Three fferent Approaches 1.statement 3 错误的原因是因为wir是基于成本(答案中)的考虑,而不是基于风险(题干中)的考虑么,2.那为什么不能基于风险的考虑呢?

2024-09-26 09:15 1 · 回答