开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


椰子鸡 · 2025年01月01日


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The implementation of Proposal #4 would most likely signal to Ladan and other investors that future earnings growth can be expected to:





remain unchanged




C is correct. Dividend initiations convey positive information and are associated with future earnings growth, whereas dividend omissions or reductions convey negative information and are associated with future earnings problems.

A is incorrect because dividend initiations convey positive information and are associated with an expected increase (not a decrease) in future earnings growth. Dividend omissions or reductions convey negative information and are associated with future earnings problems.

B is incorrect because dividend initiations convey positive information and are associated with an expectation that future earnings growth will increase (not remain unchanged). In contrast, dividend omissions or reductions convey negative information and are associated with future earnings problems.

开启常规的分红计划,我的理解 就是不增长的分红计划,那他的预期NI也不是不怎么增长呀



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NO.PZ201601200500005005 问题如下 The implementation of Propos#4 woulmost likely signto Lan another investors thfuture earnings growth cexpecteto: A.crease. B.remain unchange C.increase. C is correct. vininitiations convey positive information anare associatewith future earnings growth, wherevinomissions or rections convey negative information anare associatewith future earnings problems.A is incorrebecause vininitiations convey positive information anare associatewith expecteincrease (not a crease) in future earnings growth. vinomissions or rections convey negative information anare associatewith future earnings problems.B is incorrebecause vininitiations convey positive information anare associatewith expectation thfuture earnings growth will increase (not remain unchange. In contrast, vinomissions or rections convey negative information anare associatewith future earnings problems. 如题,M1里讲义里写道The information from vininitiation is ambiguious,那为什么这道题选C呢?如果initiate cash vin预示没有好的投资机会,那也是negative signal吧?请老师解答

2023-03-12 22:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601200500005005 问题如下 The implementation of Propos#4 woulmost likely signto Lan another investors thfuture earnings growth cexpecteto: A.crease. B.remain unchange C.increase. C is correct. vininitiations convey positive information anare associatewith future earnings growth, wherevinomissions or rections convey negative information anare associatewith future earnings problems.A is incorrebecause vininitiations convey positive information anare associatewith expecteincrease (not a crease) in future earnings growth. vinomissions or rections convey negative information anare associatewith future earnings problems.B is incorrebecause vininitiations convey positive information anare associatewith expectation thfuture earnings growth will increase (not remain unchange. In contrast, vinomissions or rections convey negative information anare associatewith future earnings problems. 这道题我也是想了想专门选了C。课后视频老师讲课说属于常规发放现金股利,所以是利好。我觉得很不解然而看了其他同学提问,后台老师留言,又专注在“initiate”上。我更晕了。虽然说了initiate,但是也说是regular,不太理解,到底怎么理解是超过预期的现金分红,还是常规分红?如果是常规分红,不能算是利好,这个观点对不对?

2022-08-23 17:15 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601200500005005 问题如下 The implementation of Propos#4 woulmost likely signto Lan another investors thfuture earnings growth cexpecteto: A.crease. B.remain unchange C.increase. C is correct. vininitiations convey positive information anare associatewith future earnings growth, wherevinomissions or rections convey negative information anare associatewith future earnings problems.A is incorrebecause vininitiations convey positive information anare associatewith expecteincrease (not a crease) in future earnings growth. vinomissions or rections convey negative information anare associatewith future earnings problems.B is incorrebecause vininitiations convey positive information anare associatewith expectation thfuture earnings growth will increase (not remain unchange. In contrast, vinomissions or rections convey negative information anare associatewith future earnings problems. 常规的cash vin 为什么会增加投资者的未来预期? 上课不是提到,是超出预期外的增长才会增加投资者的未来预期?而常规的不是可能增加,也可能降低嘛

2022-08-05 22:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601200500005005 如题。

2021-12-12 15:19 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601200500005005  propos4的现金分红,会因为未来投资机会减少吗?未来投资机会少,都分了,那么future earnings growth可能降低吗?

2021-11-27 14:45 1 · 回答