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AgnesWu · 2024年12月31日

discount rate



A 91-day UK gilt (Treasury bill) has a face value of GBP2 million and a price of GBP1.9 million. If a year has 366 days, the discount rate for the UK gilt is closest to:









B is correct. The discount rate is closest to 0.2011.

一般discount rate都是用360,是不是如果题目明确了使用的天数(如本题的366),就按照题目中的要求代入?

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NO.PZ2023052301000036问题如下 A 91-y UK gilt (Treasury bill) ha favalue of GBP2 million, a scount rate of 0.25%, ana priof GBP1.9 million. If a yeh366 ys, the scount rate for the UK gilt is closest to: A.0.1821B.0.2011C.0.2134 B is correct. The scount rate is closest to 0.2011. 看解析就是算了一个折价发行的折价率,然后再年化一下,我以为是要算require rate…计算器N=1, FV=2, PV=1.9, PMT=0, 算出来I/Y=5.2632%

2024-02-14 23:17 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023052301000036 问题如下 A 91-y UK gilt (Treasury bill) ha favalue of GBP2 million, a scount rate of 0.25%, ana priof GBP1.9 million. If a yeh366 ys, the scount rate for the UK gilt is closest to: A.0.1821 B.0.2011 C.0.2134 B is correct. The scount rate is closest to 0.2011. 不要说用不上的条件了,我知道用不上,只是单纯问是什么含义。

2024-02-14 22:53 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2023052301000036 问题如下 A 91-y UK gilt (Treasury bill) ha favalue of GBP2 million, a scount rate of 0.25%, ana priof GBP1.9 million. If a yeh366 ys, the scount rate for the UK gilt is closest to: A.0.1821 B.0.2011 C.0.2134 B is correct. The scount rate is closest to 0.2011. 题干中的“0.25%的scount rate“虽然知道是个干扰项,但还是想问下在题目中是指什么意思?

2024-01-29 17:28 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023052301000036问题如下 A 91-y UK gilt (Treasury bill) ha favalue of GBP2 million, a scount rate of 0.25%, ana priof GBP1.9 million. If a yeh366 ys, the scount rate for the UK gilt is closest to: A.0.1821B.0.2011C.0.2134 B is correct. The scount rate is closest to 0.2011. 1.我不太理解为什么scount rate和a on rate都是用year/t,为什么不是用t/year2.这题要怎么用计算器按出来

2023-11-24 16:05 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023052301000036问题如下 A 91-y UK gilt (Treasury bill) ha favalue of GBP2 million, a scount rate of 0.25%, ana priof GBP1.9 million. If a yeh366 ys, the scount rate for the UK gilt is closest to: A.0.1821B.0.2011C.0.2134 B is correct. The scount rate is closest to 0.2011. 题里的0.25%的scount rate什么意思

2023-11-15 20:43 1 · 回答