Based on Bader’s inflation expectations as shown in Exhibit 1, purchasing power parity implies that which of the following countries’ currencies should depreciate, all else being equal?
A.Country A B.Country B C.Country C解释:
A is correct.
Purchasing power parity implies that the value of Country A’s currency will decline. Inflation for Country A is expected to rise relative to global inflation. Purchasing power parity implies that the expected percentage change in Country A’s exchange rate should be equal to the difference in expected inflation rates. If Country A’s inflation is rising relative to global inflation, then the currency will be expected to depreciate.
B is incorrect because purchasing power parity implies that the value of Country B’s currency will remain stable. Inflation for Country B is expected to keep pace with global inflation. Purchasing power parity implies that the expected percentage change in Country B’s exchange rate should be equal to the difference in expected inflation rates. If Country B’s inflation is keeping pace with global inflation, then the exchange rate will be expected to stay the same, corresponding to a stable value of Country B’s currency.
C is incorrect because purchasing power parity implies that the value of Country C’s currency will rise. Inflation for Country C is expected to fall relative to global inflation. Purchasing power parity implies that the expected percentage change in Country C’s exchange rate should be equal to the difference in expected inflation rates. If Country C’s inflation is falling relative to global inflation, then the currency will be expected to appreciate.
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