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西红柿面 · 2024年12月29日


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Are Dan’s statements to Celia that support Dan’s choice of bonds to sell correct?



Only Statement 1 is correct.


Only Statement 2 is correct.


Neither Statement 1 nor Statement 2 is correct.


C is correct. Since the fund’s clients are taxable investors, there is value in harvesting tax losses. These losses can be used to offset capital gains within the fund that will otherwise be distributed to the clients and result in higher tax payments, which decreases the total value of the investment to clients. The fund has to consider the overall value of the investment to its clients, including taxes, which may result in the sale of bonds that are not viewed as overvalued. Tax-exempt investors’ decisions are driven by their investment views without regard to offsetting gains and losses for tax purposes.

Dan recommends Treasuries from the existing portfolio that he believes are over-valued and will generate capital gains. Celia asks Dan why he chose only overvalued bonds with capital gains and did not include any bonds with capital losses. 这里Dan的做法是错的吧?

1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2024年12月30日


就是对于taxable account而言,卖出债券时候,不一定非得卖出overvalued bond。需要综合考虑盈利,以及交税。

有可能卖出overvalued bond,可以避免overvalued bond的价格下跌带来的亏损。但是,同时可能会产生大笔tax。

如overvalued bond被高估的债券,预期将来价格会下降,假设下降2元。所谓为了避免价格下降,选择卖出该债券,但是这个债券的cost basis较低,卖出需要交税20元。所以这时候卖出反而不好。

这就说明,对于taxable account,选择卖出债券时,需要同时考虑税的问题,以及overvalue、undervalued的状况。