开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


mino酱是个小破货 · 2024年12月28日


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Which strategic asset allocation in Exhibit 1 best meets TEF’s investment objective and addresses the factors noted by the investment committee?



Mix A


Mix B


Mix C


Under Mix A: (a) The allocation to domestic nominal fixed income falls significantly, from 44% to 30%; (b) 20% of the portfolio would be reallocated to real estate; (c) the current 56% allocation to domestic equities falls to 50%; (d) the Sharpe ratio is slightly lower and volatility slightly higher than Mix B.

Under Mix B: (a) The fixed income allocation has been diversified by adding exposure to inflation-linked bonds, matching the allocation to nominal fixed income; (b) exposure to non-domestic equities has been added, making up 60% of the allocation to stocks, (c) hedge funds have been added, matching the allocation to real estate; (d) the Sharpe ratio is the highest and volatility the lowest of the three mixes.

Under Mix C: (a) While exposure to non-domestic equities is added, more than 80% of equity allocation remains in domestic stocks;the overall allocation to equities at 55% is higher than Mixes A and B but nearly identical to the current equity allocation of 56%; (b) exposure to inflation-linked fixed income securities is added, but the overall allocation to fixed income declines by one-third; (c) 25% of the portfolio would be reallocated to real estate; (d) the Sharpe ratio is the lowest and volatility the highest of the three mixes.


The university plans to significantly increase its spending on capital improvements over the next several years. Given the illiquid nature of private and direct real estate, the university’s plans could come under pressure under Mixes A and C. TEF has little control over the timing and amounts of contributions to the fund, making liquidity an important consideration. Because hedge funds are more liquid than private real estate, the overall liquidity profile of TEF improves with the addition of this asset class in Mix B.

The domestic equity market represents only 7% of the value of world equity markets. By biasing toward the home market, TEF is not optimally aligning regional weights with the global market portfolio and the internal staff is implicitly implementing a market view. Potential investment explanations for the bias, such as offsetting liabilities that are denominated in the home currency, are likely not relevant in this case – the university attracts a global student body and enrollment levels tend to track the performance of developed market economies. Only Mix B meaningfully addresses this home-market bias.

While Mix C has a higher expected return than Mix B, its lower Sharpe ratio indicates that Mix C makes inefficient use of its additional risk. While the expected return for Mix A is slightly higher than Mix B, this cannot overcome its deficiencies. Overall, Mix B appears to provide the greatest improvement on the current asset allocation.


1 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2024年12月30日



Mix A 下,44% 下降到 30% 是指domestic nominal fixed income 的配置比例变化,从当前的 44% 降至 30%。题干中虽未明确提及该数据变化的具体计算过程,但从整体投资组合的调整来看,资金从domestic nominal fixed income 资产重新分配到了其他资产类别,如 20% 分配到了房地产,同时domestic equity的配置比例也有所变化(从 56% 降至 50%),这些调整共同导致了domestic nominal fixed income 配置比例的下降。在对不同投资组合的分析中,这种资产配置比例的变化是评估各组合是否符合 TEF 投资目标和投资委员会考虑因素的重要依据之一。


  • 1

  • 0

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NO.PZ202301280100000804 问题如下 Whichstrategic asset allocation in Exhibit 1 best meets TEF’s investment objectiveanaresses the factors notethe investment committee? A.Mix B.Mix C.Mix Unr Mix (The allocation to mestic nominfixeincome falls significantly, from 44% to 30%; (20% of the portfolio woulreallocateto reestate; (the current 56% allocation to mestic equities falls to 50%; ( the Sharpe ratio is slightly lower anvolatility slightly higher thMix B.Unr Mix (The fixeincome allocation hbeen versifieaing exposure to inflation-linkebon, matching the allocation to nominfixeincome; (exposure to non-mestic equities hbeen ae making up 60% of the allocation to stocks, (hee fun have been ae matching the allocation to reestate; ( the Sharpe ratio is the highest anvolatility the lowest of the three mixes.Unr Mix (While exposure to non-mestic equities is ae more th80% of equity allocation remains in mestic stocks;the overall allocation to equities 55% is higher thMixes A anB but nearly inticto the current equity allocation of 56%; (exposure to inflation-linkefixeincome securities is ae but the overall allocation to fixeincome clines one-thir (25% of the portfolio woulreallocateto reestate; ( the Sharpe ratio is the lowest anvolatility the highest of the three mixes.Comments:The university plans to significantly increase its spenng on capitimprovements over the next severyears. Given the illiquinature of private anrereestate, the university’s plans coulcome unr pressure unr Mixes A anTEF hlittle control over the timing anamounts of contributions to the fun making liquity important consiration. Because hee fun are more liquithprivate reestate, the overall liquity profile of TEF improves with the aition of this asset class in Mix B.The mestic equity market represents only 7% of the value of worlequity markets. biasing towarthe home market, TEF is not optimally aligning regionweights with the globmarket portfolio anthe internstaff is implicitly implementing a market view. Potentiinvestment explanations for the bias, suoffsetting liabilities thare nominatein the home currency, are likely not relevant in this case – the university attracts a globstunt bo anenrollment levels tento trathe performanof velopemarket economies. Only Mix B meaningfully aresses this home-market bias.While Mix C ha higher expectereturn thMix its lower Sharpe ratio incates thMix C makes inefficient use of its aitionrisk. While the expectereturn for Mix A is slightly higher thMix this cannot overcome its ficiencies. Overall, Mix B appears to provi the greatest improvement on the current asset allocation. 题干中a(versifie求)和b(reestate)在哪里体现,没找到

2024-09-26 09:41 1 · 回答