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sliang · 2024年12月26日

fixed income



Chaopraya Av is an investment advisor for high-net-worth individuals. One of her clients, Schuylkill Cy, plans to fund her grandson’s college education and considers two options:

Option 1 Contribute a lump sum of $300,000 in 10 years.

Option 2 Contribute four level annual payments of $76,500 starting in 10 years.

The grandson will start college in 10 years. Cy seeks to immunize the contribution today.

For Option 1, Av calculates the present value of the $300,000 as $234,535. To immunize the future single outflow, Av considers three bond portfolios given that no zero-coupon government bonds are available. The three portfolios consist of noncallable, fixed-rate, coupon-bearing government bonds considered free of default risk. Av prepares a comparative analysis of the three portfolios, presented in Exhibit 1.

Av evaluates the three bond portfolios and selects one to recommend to Cy.

Recommend the portfolio in Exhibit 1 that would best achieve the immunization. Justify your response.



Recommend the portfolio in Exhibit 1 that would best achieve the immunization. (circle one)

Portfolio A Portfolio B Portfolio C

Justify your response.

Portfolio A is the most appropriate portfolio because it is the only one that satisfies the three criteria for immunizing a single future outflow (liability), given that the cash flow yields are sufficiently close in value.

Market Value: Portfolio A’s initial market value of $235,727 exceeds the outflow’s present value of $234,535. Portfolio B is not appropriate because its market value of $233,428 is less than the present value of the future outflow of $234,535. A bond portfolio structured to immunize a single liability must have an initial market value that equals or exceeds the present value of the liability.

Macaulay Duration: Portfolio A’s Macaulay duration of 9.998 closely matches the 10-year horizon of the outflow. Portfolio C is not appropriate because its Macaulay duration of 9.503 is furthest away from the investment horizon of 10 years.

Convexity: Although Portfolio C has the lowest convexity at 108.091, its Macaulay duration does not closely match the outflow amount. Of the remaining two portfolios, Portfolio A has the lower convexity at 119.055; this lower convexity will minimize structural risk.

Default risk (credit risk) is not considered because the portfolios consist of government bonds that presumably have default probabilities approaching zero.

  1. 请问portfolio C的duration 比 10年小了一点,但是有最小的convxity。请问如果在这种情况下,我们是应该先优先比较duration,再比较convxity么?如果duration小于投资期,就算convexity小也不行是么?
  2. 可以麻烦老师看下我这样写的可以么?谢谢

Portfolio A would best achieve the immunization becuase of the following reasons:  

  1. the present value of portfolio A is greater than the present value of liability. 
  2. Macaulay duration of portfolio is close to liability's investment horizon. 
  3. Portfolio A has the lower convexity. It can reduce the structural risk. 

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NO.PZ2023032703000028 问题如下 Chaopraya is investment aisor for high-net-worth invials. One of her clients, Schuylkill Cy, plans to funher granon’s college ecation anconsirs two options:Option 1 Contribute a lump sum of $300,000 in 10 years.Option 2 Contribute four level annupayments of $76,500 starting in 10 years.The granon will start college in 10 years. seeks to immunize the contribution toy.For Option 1, calculates the present value of the $300,000 $234,535. To immunize the future single outflow, consirs three bonportfolios given thno zero-coupon government bon are available. The three portfolios consist of noncallable, fixerate, coupon-bearing government bon consirefree of fault risk. prepares a comparative analysis of the three portfolios, presentein Exhibit 1.evaluates the three bonportfolios anselects one to recommento Cy.Recommenthe portfolio in Exhibit 1 thwoulbest achieve the immunization. Justify your response. Recommenthe portfolio in Exhibit 1 thwoulbest achieve the immunization. (circle one) Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio CJustify your response.Portfolio A is the most appropriate portfolio because it is the only one thsatisfies the three criteria for immunizing a single future outflow (liability), given ththe cash flow yiel are sufficiently close in value.Market Value: Portfolio A’s initimarket value of $235,727 excee the outflow’s present value of $234,535. Portfolio B is not appropriate because its market value of $233,428 is less ththe present value of the future outflow of $234,535. A bonportfolio structureto immunize a single liability must have initimarket value thequals or excee the present value of the liability.Macaulration: Portfolio A’s Macaulration of 9.998 closely matches the 10-yehorizon of the outflow. Portfolio C is not appropriate because its Macaulration of 9.503 is furthest awfrom the investment horizon of 10 years.Convexity: Although Portfolio C hthe lowest convexity 108.091, its Macaulration es not closely matthe outflow amount. Of the remaining two portfolios, Portfolio A hthe lower convexity 119.055; this lower convexity will minimize structurrisk. fault risk (cret risk) is not consirebecause the portfolios consist of government bon thpresumably have fault probabilities approaching zero. the portfolio a woulbest achieve the immunization. market value. the market value of portfolio a is $235727, whiis higher ththe contribution's present value of $234,535.macaulration. the macaulration of portfolio a closey matches the e te of the contribution.convexity. the smaller the convexity, the better. however, portfolio c's macaulration is furthest awfrom the e te. so portfolio a will more appropriate e to a smaller convextiy comparing to portfolio

2024-02-08 18:17 1 · 回答