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Anderson · 2024年12月23日

关于illiquid asset加入对组合非系统性风险的问题

Another client, Lars Velky, represents Velky Partners (VP), a large institutional investor with $500 million in investable assets. Velky is interested in adding less liquid asset classes, such as direct real estate, infrastructure, and private equity, to VP’s portfolio. Velky and Monteo discuss the considerations involved in applying many of the common asset allocation techniques, such as MVO, to these asset classes. Before making any changes to the portfolio, Monteo asks Velky about his knowledge of risk budgeting. Velky makes the following statements:

In their discussion of the asset classes that Velky is interested in adding to the VP portfolio, Monteo should tell Velky that:

A.these asset classes can be readily diversified to eliminate idiosyncratic risk.

B.indexes are available for these asset classes that do an outstanding job of representing the performance characteristics of the asset classes.

C.the risk and return characteristics associated with actual investment vehicles for these asset classes are typically significantly different from the characteristics of the asset classes themselves.


C is correct. Less liquid asset classes—such as direct real estate, infrastructure, and private equity—represent unique challenges when applying many of the common asset allocation techniques. Common illiquid asset classes cannot be readily diversified to eliminate idiosyncratic risk, so representing overall asset class performance is problematic. Furthermore, there are far fewer indexes that attempt to represent aggregate performance for these less liquid asset classes than indexes of traditional highly liquid asset classes. Finally, the risk and return characteristics associated with actual investment vehicles—such as direct real estate funds, infrastructure funds, and private equity funds—are typically significantly different from the characteristics of the asset classes themselves.



2)illiquid asset的增加可以降低idiosyncratic risk(非系统性风险)吗?我理解系统性风险是无法分散的,投资收益都是靠承担系统性风险获得的(这里是否可以和portfolio construction里面的知识点结合?underweight or overweight rewarded factor),而非系统性风险是可以分散掉的。

这里分散或者降低非系统性风险通过加入和组合相关性较低的资产类别可以完成?那么为什么说“因为投资PE、房地产、infrastructure获得的超额收益来自于承担了额外的非系统性风险。所以非系统性风险不能通过投资 illiquid asset来消除。

所以又回到1)的问题,这里的错误更多是消除这个词的错误,还是说illiquid asset本身无法降低非系统性风险?麻烦解答一下,如果是后者的话我就不太理解了,这是个结论吗?我以为是加入相关性低的资产就可以降低,那么illiquid asset如果加入到股票类资产组合中是可以分散的呀。

1 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2024年12月24日



A选项主要的错误是diversification效果很有限,并且与实际情况不相符。具体的说,对于直接房地产、基础设施和私募股权等非流动资产类别,即使进行多元化投资,也难以完全消除特质风险(idiosyncratic risk)。非流动资产的特性决定了其在市场上的交易活跃度低,获取足够多样化投资标的以实现完全分散风险的难度较大,而不是如 A 选项所说的可以轻易(readily)通过多元化消除特质风险。并且,非流动资产类别由于其特殊性质,如房地产项目的地理位置、基础设施项目的特定用途、私募股权所投资企业的独特性等,使得这些资产本身就带有较高的特质风险,即使进行多元化配置,也无法像流动资产那样有效降低风险,更不用说消除风险了。关于 “eliminate” 这个词,在这种语境下使用是不准确的,因为对于这些非流动资产类别,几乎不可能完全消除特质风险,而 “reduce”(降低)更符合实际情况。但不仅仅是这个词的问题,整个选项对非流动资产多元化效果的描述与实际情况不符。即使对于流动资产类别,虽然多元化可以显著降低风险,但也很难完全消除所有风险,更何况是非流动资产。

增加非流动资产(illiquid asset)可以在一定程度上降低非系统性风险(idiosyncratic risk),但无法完全消除,原因是其自身的的特殊性,并且系统性风险始终存在且不可分散。


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