Margit asks Cécile to analyze liability-based mandates for a meeting with Villash Foundation. Villash Foundation is a tax-exempt client.
Two years later, Margit learns that Villash Foundation needs $5 million in cash to meet liabilities. She asks Cécile to analyze two bonds for possible liquidation. Selected data on the two bonds are presented in Exhibit 2.
Based on Exhibit 2, the optimal strategy to meet Villash Foundation’s cash needs is the sale of:
100% of Bond 1.
100% of Bond 2.
50% of Bond 1 and 50% of Bond 2.
Correct Answer: A
A is correct. The optimal strategy for Villash is the sale of 100% of Bond 1, which Cécile considers to be overvalued. Because Villash is a tax-exempt foundation, tax considerations are not relevant and Cécile’s investment views drive her trading recommendations.
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