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BillZ · 2024年12月22日

Credit Spread curve strategies



Which of the following statements best describes a credit curve roll-down strategy?



Returns from a credit curve roll-down strategy can be estimated by combining the incremental coupon from a longer maturity corporate bond with price appreciation due to the passage of time.


A synthetic credit curve roll-down strategy involves purchasing protection using a single-name CDS contract for a longer maturity.


A credit curve roll-down strategy is expected to generate a positive return if the credit spread curve is upward sloping.


C is correct. A credit curve roll-down strategy will generate positive return only under an upward-sloping credit spread curve.

As for A, the benchmark yield changes must be separated from changes due to credit spreads, and under B, a synthetic credit roll-down strategy involves selling protection using a single-name CDS contract for a longer maturity.


1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2024年12月24日

Returns from a credit curve roll-down strategy can be estimated by combining the incremental coupon from a longer maturity corporate bond with price appreciation due to the passage of time.

题目是在讨论credit curve roll down strategy,即,是在债券的信用风险曲线上做roll down strategy,并不是在YTM利率曲线上做roll down strategy。

差别就是,credit curve曲线上只含债券的信用风险,而YTM曲线的roll down strategy包含来自于benchmark rate与credit curve的2方面影响。

选项A的问题在最后一句,with price appreciation due to the passage of time. 他的意思是说,credit curve roll down strategy的价差收益是来自于债券的期限变短。

这句话说的不精确,债券的期限变短带来的价差收益,就是(YTM)yield curve roll down strategy,是期限变化,对标的债券折现率YTM变化带来的价差收益。这里面既包括credit curve的roll down价差收益,又包括benchmark YTM的roll down价差收益。


with price appreciation due to the change in credit spreads on the stable credit curve.

即,(单纯是期限改变),导致对应的credit spread改变,这种价差收益就是credit curve roll down strategy的价差收益。

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NO.PZ2021120102000028 问题如下 Whiof the following statements best scribes a cret curveroll-wn strategy? A.Returns from a cret curve roll-wn strategy cestimatebycombining the incrementcoupon from a longer maturity corporate bonwith priappreciation e to the passage of time. B.A synthetic cret curve roll-wn strategy involves purchasing protection using a single-name C contrafor a longer maturity. C.A cret curve roll-wn strategy is expecteto generate a positive return if the cret sprecurve is upwarsloping. C is correct. A cret curve roll-wn strategy willgenerate positive return only unr upwarsloping cret sprecurve. for thebenchmark yielchanges must separatefromchanges e to cret sprea, anunr asynthetic cret roll-wn strategy involves selling protection using asingle-name C contrafor a longer maturity. 我理解roll wn the yielcurve strategy需要两个条件(1)stable curve,(2)upwarsloping。但C只提了upwarsloping,为什么正确呀?谢谢老师

2024-12-10 19:33 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021120102000028 问题如下 Whiof the following statements best scribes a cret curveroll-wn strategy? A.Returns from a cret curve roll-wn strategy cestimatebycombining the incrementcoupon from a longer maturity corporate bonwith priappreciation e to the passage of time. B.A synthetic cret curve roll-wn strategy involves purchasing protection using a single-name C contrafor a longer maturity. C.A cret curve roll-wn strategy is expecteto generate a positive return if the cret sprecurve is upwarsloping. C is correct. A cret curve roll-wn strategy willgenerate positive return only unr upwarsloping cret sprecurve. for thebenchmark yielchanges must separatefromchanges e to cret sprea, anunr asynthetic cret roll-wn strategy involves selling protection using asingle-name C contrafor a longer maturity. 听视频,老师讲的是相当于买一个长期的债券,所以是sell C protection。没想明白为什么是相当于买一个长期的债券?请老师帮忙,谢谢

2024-08-10 14:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021120102000028 问题如下 Whiof the following statements best scribes a cret curveroll-wn strategy? A.Returns from a cret curve roll-wn strategy cestimatebycombining the incrementcoupon from a longer maturity corporate bonwith priappreciation e to the passage of time. B.A synthetic cret curve roll-wn strategy involves purchasing protection using a single-name C contrafor a longer maturity. C.A cret curve roll-wn strategy is expecteto generate a positive return if the cret sprecurve is upwarsloping. C is correct. A cret curve roll-wn strategy willgenerate positive return only unr upwarsloping cret sprecurve. for thebenchmark yielchanges must separatefromchanges e to cret sprea, anunr asynthetic cret roll-wn strategy involves selling protection using asingle-name C contrafor a longer maturity. 可以讲解下为什么c正确吗

2024-07-26 14:28 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021120102000028 问题如下 Whiof the following statements best scribes a cret curveroll-wn strategy? A.Returns from a cret curve roll-wn strategy cestimatebycombining the incrementcoupon from a longer maturity corporate bonwith priappreciation e to the passage of time. B.A synthetic cret curve roll-wn strategy involves purchasing protection using a single-name C contrafor a longer maturity. C.A cret curve roll-wn strategy is expecteto generate a positive return if the cret sprecurve is upwarsloping. C is correct. A cret curve roll-wn strategy willgenerate positive return only unr upwarsloping cret sprecurve. for thebenchmark yielchanges must separatefromchanges e to cret sprea, anunr asynthetic cret roll-wn strategy involves selling protection using asingle-name C contrafor a longer maturity. 所以,A句话的表述是有问题的,正确的表示是加上assuming flbenchmark yielcurve这句话。还是没搞清楚怎么判断收益曲线stablestable曲线不变吧?是指上倾还是水平?什么时候曲线stable时指的是曲线水平flat? 收益曲线不变代表ration不变吗?可否请老师详细一下

2024-07-24 01:04 1 · 回答