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zeng1234 · 2024年12月22日

老师 这道题思路和判断原则能不能讲细一点



On page 2, Moynahan decides to outline the three total return approaches he utilizes to manage Reagan’s fixed-income portfolios. He puts together the following exhibit:

Exhibit 1 Features of Total Return Portfolios

How should Moynahan most likely label the management approaches for each of the portfolios described in Exhibit 1 on page 2 of his presentation?




Portfolio 1 = Active Management, Portfolio 2 = Pure Indexing, Portfolio 3 = Enhanced Indexing


Portfolio 1 = Enhanced Indexing, Portfolio 2 = Pure Indexing, Portfolio 3 = Active Management


Portfolio 1 = Active Management, Portfolio 2 = Enhanced Indexing, Portfolio 3 = Pure Indexing


A is correct. Moynahan should label the portfolios on page 2 as follows: Portfolio 1 = Active Management, which allows for larger risk factor mismatch to the benchmark. Portfolio 2 = Pure Indexing, which involves attempting to replicate a bond index as closely as possible. Portfolio 3 = Enhanced Indexing, which is closely linked to the benchmark but attempts to generate a modest amount of outperformance versus the benchmark.

B is incorrect because the ordering of portfolios given is incorrect. The correct ordering is: Portfolio 1 = Active Management, Portfolio 2 = Pure Indexing, Portfolio 3 = Enhanced Indexing.

C is incorrect because the ordering of portfolios given is incorrect. The correct ordering is: Portfolio 1 = Active Management, Portfolio 2 = Pure Indexing, Portfolio 3 = Enhanced Indexing.

我感觉都很接近 包括duration spread krd这些 不好判断

1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2024年12月24日


这道题就只有key rate duration和spread duration,观察指标发现,Portfolio 1的两个duration最偏离benchmark,所以portfolio 1暂定为是active。标准的题型是会给modified duration/Effective duration,用这个数据基本上就能判断出来总体趋势了。

Portfolio 2和Portfolio 3的两个duration指标基本与benchmark一致,两个暂定为pure index和enhanced index,但还不能具体区分哪个是pure index,哪个是enhanced。因为从key rate duration上看,portfolio 3完全与benchmark一致,似乎是pure,但是从spread duration上看,portfolio 3的差距又更大。

portfolio 2分析思路同理,从key rate duration上看,与benchmark有一点差距,似乎是enhanced,但是spread duration相对更接近,似乎是pure。

下面看quality,发现最大的区别在于average rating,portfolio 2与benchmark一致,Portfolio 3与benchmark有偏离。

所以可以暂定portfolio 2是pure indexing, portfolio 3是enhanced indexing

最后用country exposure来验证一下,发下portfolio 1的数据离benchmark最远,所以portfolio 1明确了是active。

portfolio 2的数据相对更接近benchmark,验证了portfolio 2是pure;portfolio 3的数据偏离最大,证明是enhanced。

至于最后是否允许security lending不影响判断pure, enhanced, active. 因为判断是哪种类型,主要是看portfolio风险指标是否与benchmark有偏离。而是否允许security lending影响的是portfolio的资金来源。哪怕portfolio是通过security lending借钱来做策略,但只要portfolio数据与benchmark一致,那也仍然是Pure。

这道题的数据相对复杂一点,一般情况下, 通过组合的duration就可以初步判断出来类型,然后其他的数据用了验证。

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NO.PZ2022090602000051 问题如下 On page 2, Moynahcis to outline the three totreturn approaches he utilizes to manage Reagan’s fixeincome portfolios. He puts together the following exhibit:Exhibit 1 Features of TotReturn PortfoliosHow shoulMoynahmost likely label the management approaches for eaof the portfolios scribein Exhibit 1 on page 2 of his presentation?Solutio A.Portfolio 1 = Active Management, Portfolio 2 = Pure Inxing, Portfolio 3 = EnhanceInxing B.Portfolio 1 = EnhanceInxing, Portfolio 2 = Pure Inxing, Portfolio 3 = Active Management C.Portfolio 1 = Active Management, Portfolio 2 = EnhanceInxing, Portfolio 3 = Pure Inxing A is correct. Moynahshoullabel the portfolios on page 2 follows: Portfolio 1 = Active Management, whiallows for larger risk factor mismatto the benchmark. Portfolio 2 = Pure Inxing, whiinvolves attempting to replicate a boninx closely possible. Portfolio 3 = EnhanceInxing, whiis closely linketo the benchmark but attempts to generate a most amount of outperformanversus the benchmark.B is incorrebecause the orring of portfolios given is incorrect. The correorring is: Portfolio 1 = Active Management, Portfolio 2 = Pure Inxing, Portfolio 3 = EnhanceInxing.C is incorrebecause the orring of portfolios given is incorrect. The correorring is: Portfolio 1 = Active Management, Portfolio 2 = Pure Inxing, Portfolio 3 = EnhanceInxing. 请问下老师,这道题再判断ration是否match的时候,是key rate ration和cret spreration都要和benchmark对比吗?

2024-11-01 10:32 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022090602000051 问题如下 How shoulMoynahmost likely label the management approaches for eaof the portfolios scribein Exhibit 1 on page 2 of his presentation?Solutio A.Portfolio 1 = Active Management, Portfolio 2 = Pure Inxing, Portfolio 3 = EnhanceInxing B.Portfolio 1 = EnhanceInxing, Portfolio 2 = Pure Inxing, Portfolio 3 = Active Management C.Portfolio 1 = Active Management, Portfolio 2 = EnhanceInxing, Portfolio 3 = Pure Inxing A is correct. Moynahshoullabel the portfolios on page 2 follows: Portfolio 1 = Active Management, whiallows for larger risk factor mismatto the benchmark. Portfolio 2 = Pure Inxing, whiinvolves attempting to replicate a boninx closely possible. Portfolio 3 = EnhanceInxing, whiis closely linketo the benchmark but attempts to generate a most amount of outperformanversus the benchmark.B is incorrebecause the orring of portfolios given is incorrect. The correorring is: Portfolio 1 = Active Management, Portfolio 2 = Pure Inxing, Portfolio 3 = EnhanceInxing.C is incorrebecause the orring of portfolios given is incorrect. The correorring is: Portfolio 1 = Active Management, Portfolio 2 = Pure Inxing, Portfolio 3 = EnhanceInxing. 题目没有配表格

2024-09-13 09:01 1 · 回答