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苏·Xu · 2024年12月19日



Which of the following adverse consequences is most likely associated with extension risk?



Investors must reinvest the proceeds at lower interest rates.


Higher interest rates reduce the value of the cash flows investors receive.


The prepayment option reduces the potential price appreciation for the bond.


The correct answer is B. Extension risk is the risk that the borrower might pay back the money borrowed more slowly than anticipated, extending the time of repayment and the maturity of the bond. For investors, this has one adverse consequence: Higher interest rates reduce the value of the cash flows investors receive. The payments the investors receive will be discounted at a higher interest rate, and the extension stretches out the payments the investors receive.

A is incorrect because contraction risk (the risk that the borrower might pay back the money borrowed more quickly than anticipated, reducing the amount of future payments the investor receives), not extension risk, has the adverse consequence that investors must reinvest the proceeds at lower interest rates.

C is incorrect because contraction risk (the risk that the borrower might pay back the money borrowed more quickly than anticipated, reducing the amount of future payments the investor receives), not extension risk, has the adverse consequence that the prepayment option reduces the potential price appreciation for the bond.

怎么理解adverse consequence?就是negative consequence吗

1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2024年12月20日


怎么理解adverse consequence?就是negative consequence吗



可以理解为negative consequence。

理解为extension risk会带来什么负面结果



这对于投资者是不利的,因此属于adverse consequence。



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NO.PZ2023052301000095 问题如下 Whiof the following aerse consequences is most likely associatewith extension risk? A.Investors must reinvest the procee lower interest rates. B.Higher interest rates rethe value of the cash flows investors receive. C.The prepayment option reces the potentipriappreciation for the bon The correanswer is Extension risk is the risk ththe borrower might pbathe money borrowemore slowly thanticipate extenng the time of repayment anthe maturity of the bon For investors, this hone aerse consequence: Higher interest rates rethe value of the cash flows investors receive. The payments the investors receive will scountea higher interest rate, anthe extension stretches out the payments the investors receive.A is incorrebecause contraction risk (the risk ththe borrower might pbathe money borrowemore quickly thanticipate recing the amount of future payments the investor receives), not extension risk, hthe aerse consequenthinvestors must reinvest the procee lower interest rates.C is incorrebecause contraction risk (the risk ththe borrower might pbathe money borrowemore quickly thanticipate recing the amount of future payments the investor receives), not extension risk, hthe aerse consequenththe prepayment option reces the potentipriappreciation for the bon Whiof the following aerse consequences is most likely associatewith extension risk?您的回答正确答案是: BA不正确Investors must reinvest the procee lower interest rates.BHigher interest rates rethe value of the cash flows investors receive.CThe prepayment option reces the potentipriappreciation for the bon解析The correanswer is Extension risk is the risk ththe borrower might pbathe money borrowemore slowly thanticipate extenng the time of repayment anthe maturity of the bon For investors, this hone aerse consequence: Higher interest rates rethe value of the cash flows investors receive. The payments the investors receive will scountea higher interest rate, anthe extension stretches out the payments the investors receive.A is incorrebecause contraction risk (the risk ththe borrower might pbathe money borrowemore quickly thanticipate recing the amount of future payments the investor receives), not extension risk, hthe aerse consequenthinvestors must reinvest the procee lower interest rates.C is incorrebecause contraction risk (the risk ththe borrower might pbathe money borrowemore quickly thanticipate recing the amount of future payments the investor receives), not extension risk, hthe aerse consequenththe prepayment option reces the potentipriappreciation for the bon

2024-07-22 20:11 1 · 回答