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添晴 · 2024年12月19日




An analyst determines that a company's exposure to environmental risks has increased. The most appropriate action is to:


A.apply a higher cost of capital.

B.adjust future projected cash flows upwards.

C.assign a premium to the company's relative P/E ratio.


A. Correct because when it comes to discounted cash flow input adjustments, for example, a company’s environmental management processes and policies are judged strong or weak. After this judgment, the cost of capital used to discount cash flows in a DCF analysis is adjusted down or up by 1% to account for this. This can also be on a country- or sector-basis, where a country or sector ESG risk factor may contribute to a change in a cost of capital or terminal value growth assumption. For example, the coal sector may be judged to have a negative environmental impact.

B. Incorrect because rather than changing model discount assumptions, explicit sales or margin assumptions may be adjusted. Also, adjustments can be made directly to the balance sheet or capital expense lines. A practitioner may believe that ESG factors will lead a company to decrease or increase its future capital expenditure. A forecast ESG impairment event, e.g. a sub-standard factory, may result in an impairment charge being made to bring the company’s book value down.

C. Incorrect because regarding valuation ratio adjustments with ESG integration, an investor may decide a company is worth a certain PE ratio premium or discount versus its peers due to ESG factors. Alternatively, an investor may only be prepared to invest in a company with, for example, a 50% discount on a PE ratio versus an index benchmark because the company is judged to have a high ESG risk. Conversely, an investor may be willing to invest in a company at a 50% premium on a PE ratio due to strong ESG characteristics. In this case, a discount, not a premium would be warranted.

b为什么不对,为什么影响的是cost而不是cash flow

1 个答案

王岑 · 2024年12月19日



在这道题中,核心问题是:为什么环境风险的增加更直接影响的是折现率(成本)而不是未来的现金流(cash flow)?

A选项(成本的调整): 当一家公司的环境风险增加时,投资者通常会认为该公司面临的系统性或非系统性风险更高。为了补偿这种风险,投资者通常会要求更高的投资回报率,这会反映在加权平均资本成本(WACC)中。

  • 在贴现现金流(DCF)模型中,折现率的提升会直接影响估值,因为它是用来计算未来现金流现值的重要因素。
  • 具体来说,环境风险被认为是影响公司长期生存能力的一个风险因素,这种风险通常会直接反映在资本成本上。





  • 资本成本反映的是公司整体的风险溢价,而现金流的调整需要更具体的预测依据。
  • 环境风险可能不会立即对公司的现金流产生明确的变化,但会显著改变投资者的风险偏好,从而影响资本成本。


  1. 如果煤炭行业的整体环境风险上升,投资者可能会要求更高的折现率来弥补这一行业的风险。这是通过调整资本成本来实现的(A选项)。
  2. 如果这家公司的某座煤矿因环保政策被关闭,直接影响其收入和利润,这时才会调整现金流预测(B选项)。
  3. 但如果我们直接给公司设定一个相对同行的PE溢价或折价,通常是基于强或弱的ESG表现,并不适用于普遍风险上升的场景(C选项)。



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NO.PZ2024021801000005 问题如下 analyst termines tha company's exposure to environmentrisks hincrease The most appropriate action is to: A.apply a higher cost of capital. B.aust future projectecash flows upwar. C.assign a premium to the company's relative P/E ratio. Correbecause when it comes to scountecash flow input austments, for example, a company’s environmentmanagement processes anpolicies are juestrong or weak. After this jument, the cost of capituseto scount cash flows in a F analysis is austewn or up 1% to account for this. This calso on a country- or sector-basis, where a country or sector ESG risk factor mcontribute to a change in a cost of capitor terminvalue growth assumption. For example, the cosector mjueto have a negative environmentimpact. Incorrebecause rather thchanging mol scount assumptions, explicit sales or margin assumptions mauste Also, austments cma rectly to the balansheet or capitexpense lines. A practitioner mbelieve thESG factors will lea company to crease or increase its future capitexpenture. A forecast ESG impairment event, e.g. a sub-stanrfactory, mresult in impairment charge being ma to bring the company’s book value wn. Incorrebecause regarng valuation ratio austments with ESG integration, investor mci a company is worth a certain PE ratio premium or scount versus its peers e to ESG factors. Alternatively, investor monly prepareto invest in a company with, for example, a 50% scount on a PE ratio versus inx benchmark because the company is jueto have a high ESG risk. Conversely, investor mwilling to invest in a company a 50% premium on a PE ratio e to strong ESG characteristics. In this case, a scount, not a premium woulwarrante 为什么C不对,反复在出错,没找到原因

2024-03-15 15:24 6 · 回答