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WINWIN8 · 2024年12月17日




Bloomfield mentions that a regulatory body is investigating a competitor’s trading practices. The investigation involves a tip that the competitor is manipulating markets by submitting orders and arranging trades to influence other traders’ perceptions of value. Specifically, regulators were informed that the competitor has been buying stock to raise its price, thereby encouraging momentum traders to buy, and then selling the stock to them at higher prices. The regulator confirmed that the competitor did not use standing limit orders or commonly controlled accounts for the trades under investigation.

The competitor company’s trading is best described as:





wash trading.




A is correct. Bluffing involves submitting orders and arranging trades to influence other traders' perceptions of value. Bluffers often target momentum traders, who buy when prices are rising and sell when prices are falling. Similarly, Zhang mentioned that regulators learned the competitor has been buying stock to inflate its price, attracting momentum traders to buy, and then selling the stock to them at higher prices.

B is incorrect because the competitor did not use commonly controlled accounts—typically used in wash trading—for the trades under investigation. Wash trading consists of trades arranged among commonly controlled accounts to create a false impression of market activity at a particular price. The purpose of wash trading is to deceive investors into believing a market is more liquid than it truly is.

C is incorrect because the competitor did not use standing limit orders—typically used in spoofing—for the trades under investigation. Spoofing is a trading practice where traders place exposed standing limit orders to create a false impression of market liquidity or to suggest a security is under- or overvalued.

这一章的 “ improer mkt activities" and "mkt manipulation strategies"其实有什么分别呢? “ improer mkt activities"里的四种行为也是市场操纵的一种啊

1 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2024年12月18日


“ improer mkt activities"是啥?


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NO.PZ2021101401000033 问题如下 Bloomfielmentions tha regulatory bo is investigating a competitor’s trang practices. The investigation involves a tip ththe competitor is manipulating markets submitting orrs anarranging tras to influenother trars’ perceptions of value. Specifically, regulators were informeththe competitor hbeen buying stoto raise its price, thereencouraging momentum trars to buy, anthen selling the stoto them higher prices. The regulator confirmeththe competitor not use stanng limit orrs or commonly controlleaccounts for the tras unr investigation.The competitor company’s trang is best scribeas: A.bluffing B.wash trang. C.Spoofing. A is correct. Bluffing involves submitting orrs anarranging tras to influenother trars' perceptions of value. Bluffers often target momentum trars, who buy when prices are rising ansell when prices are falling. Similarly, Zhang mentionethregulators learnethe competitor hbeen buying stoto inflate its price, attracting momentum trars to buy, anthen selling the stoto them higher prices.B is incorrebecause the competitor not use commonly controlleaccounts—typically usein wash trang—for the tras unr investigation. Wash trang consists of tras arrangeamong commonly controlleaccounts to create a false impression of market activity a particulprice. The purpose of wash trang is to ceive investors into believing a market is more liquithit truly is.C is incorrebecause the competitor not use stanng limit orrs—typically usein spoofing—for the tras unr investigation. Spoofing is a trang practiwhere trars plaexposestanng limit orrs to create a false impression of market liquity or to suggest a security is unr- or overvalue 两者是否可以互换概念。

2024-12-14 21:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021101401000033问题如下 Bloomfielmentions tha regulatory bo is investigating a competitor’s trang practices. The investigation involves a tip ththe competitor is manipulating markets submitting orrs anarranging tras to influenother trars’ perceptions of value. Specifically, regulators were informeththe competitor hbeen buying stoto raise its price, thereencouraging momentum trars to buy, anthen selling the stoto them higher prices. The regulator confirmeththe competitor not use stanng limit orrs or commonly controlleaccounts for the tras unr investigation.The competitor company’s trang is best scribeas: A.bluffing B.spoofing C.wash trang. A is correct.Bluffing involves submitting orrs anarranging tras to influenother trars’ perceptions of value. Bluffers often prey on momentum trars, who buy when prices are rising ansell when prices are falling. Similarly, Bloomfielmentionethregulators were informeth2Fast’s competitor hbeen submitting orrs anarranging tras to influenother trars’ perceptions of value; regulators were informethe competitor hbeen buying stoto raise its price, thereencouraging momentum trars to buy, anthen selling the stoto them higher prices.B is incorrebecause the competitor not use stanng limit orrs—those orrs thare usein a spoofing strategy—for the tras the regulator is investigating. Spoofing is a trang practiin whitrars plaexposestanng limit orrs to convey impression to other trars ththe market is more liquithit is or to suggest to other trars ththe security is unr- or overvalueC is incorrebecause the competitor not use commonly controlleaccounts—those accounts thare usein a wash trang strategy—for the tras thregulators are investigating. Wash trang consists of tras arrangeamong commonly controlleaccounts to create the impression of market activity a particulprice. The purpose of wash trang is to fool investors into believing tha market is more liquithit truly is anto thereincrease investors’ confinboth in their ability to exit positions without substanticost anin their assessments of security values. 是否可以中文一下,谢谢

2022-04-13 23:29 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021101401000033 bluffing核心是把“价格”抬升,用价格来骗人 spoofing核心是把“stanng limit price”给expose出来,用“买/卖的限价orr”来骗人 我的理解正确吗?不正确的话应该是如何的

2022-02-15 18:32 1 · 回答