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KKII · 2024年12月13日

这道题目问的是讨论Smith预估private equity带来return增长的方法



Rob Smith, as portfolio manager at Pell Tech University Foundation, is respon sible for the university’s USD3.5 billion endowment. The endowment supports the majority of funding for the university’s operating budget and financial aid programs, and it is invested in fixed income, public equities, private equities, and real assets.

The Pell Tech Board is conducting its quarterly strategic asset allocation review. T he board members note that although performance has been satisfactory, they have two concerns:

1. Endowment returns have underperformed in comparison to those of univer sity endowments of similar size.

2. Return expectations have shifted lower for fixed-income and public equity investments.

Smith attributes this underperformance to a lower risk profile relative to that of its peers because of a lower allocation to illiquid private equity investments. In response to the board’s concerns, Smith proposes an increase in the allocation to the private equity asset class. His proposal uses option price theory for valuation purposes and is supported by Monte Carlo simulations.

Exhibit 1 presents selected data on the current university endowment.

Discuss Smith’s method for estimating the increase in return expectations derived from increasing the endowment allocation to private equity.



Private equity is recognized as an illiquid alternative investment and could offer higher returns via a liquidity premium.

The illiquidity premium (also called the liquidity premium) is the expected compensation for the additional risk of tying up capital for a potentially uncertain time period. It can be estimated, as Smith has done, by using the idea that the size of a discount an investor should receive for such capital commitment is rep resented by the value of a put option with an exercise price equal to the hypothet ical “marketable price” of the illiquid asset as estimated at the time of purchase. Smith can derive the price of the illiquid private equity asset by subtracting the put price from the “marketable price.” If both the “marketable price” and the illiquid asset price are estimated or known, then the expected return for each can be calculated, with the difference in expected returns representing the illiquidity premium (in %).

这道题目问的是讨论Smith预估private equity带来return增长的方法?

不应该围绕PE的估值方法来答吗?? 也就是题干说的采用option price theory,基于蒙特卡洛模拟

我这里就完成按照使用评估数据smooth return的后果来讨论了,但我看答案解析是说liquidity premium。这是怎么理解的?

1 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2024年12月16日



题目要求讨论 Smith 预估增加对私募股权投资(private equity)的配置所带来的回报预期增长的方法。回答应聚焦于 Smith 如何运用特定理论或方法来估计这种回报增长,而不仅仅是提及使用了哪些理论(如期权价格理论和蒙特卡洛模拟),更要阐述这些理论在预估回报增长过程中的具体应用逻辑。

流动性溢价是指投资者因承担资产在不确定时间段内被占用资本的额外风险而期望获得的补偿。在私募股权投资中,由于其流动性较差,投资者资金被长期锁定,因此会要求更高的回报,这部分额外回报就是流动性溢价。Smith 通过期权价格理论来估计流动性溢价,进而预估增加私募股权投资配置所带来的回报增长。他认为投资者在购买私募股权这种非流动性资产时,所应获得的折扣(即流动性溢价)可以用一个看跌期权的价值来表示,该看跌期权的行权价格等于购买时估计的非流动性资产的假设 “可销售价格”。通过从 “可销售价格” 中减去看跌期权价格,Smith 可以得到私募股权资产的价格,从而计算出其预期回报。与其他流动性较好的资产预期回报相比,两者的差值即为流动性溢价,这部分溢价即为增加私募股权投资配置所带来的额外回报预期增长的一部分。

从题目所给的 Exhibit 1 数据来看,当前投资组合的预期回报率为 7.8%,标准差为 13.2%,夏普比率为 0.44;而提议增加私募股权投资配置后的投资组合预期回报率提升至 8.3%,标准差变为 13.9%,夏普比率为 0.45,同时 10 年内购买力侵蚀 30% 的概率从 25% 下降到 20%。这些数据变化表明增加私募股权投资配置后,预期回报有所提高,风险特征(如标准差和购买力侵蚀概率)也发生了变化。Smith 可能是基于对私募股权投资的流动性溢价估计,以及通过蒙特卡洛模拟等方法考虑了多种市场情景下的资产表现,认为增加私募股权投资能够在可接受的风险范围内提高整体投资组合的回报。例如,夏普比率的提高意味着在同等风险水平下,单位风险所获得的回报增加,这可能是由于私募股权投资的流动性溢价带来了额外回报,从而在整体上提升了投资组合的绩效表现。


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NO.PZ2024102501000010 问题如下 Rob Smith, portfolio manager Pell TeUniversity Fountion, is respon sible for the university’s US.5 billion enwment. The enwment supports the majority of funng for the university’s operating buet anfinanciaiprograms, anit is investein fixeincome, public equities, private equities, anreassets. The Pell TeBoaris concting its quarterly strategic asset allocation review. T he boarmembers note thalthough performanhbeen satisfactory, they have two concerns: 1. Enwment returns have unrperformein comparison to those of univer sity enwments of similsize. 2. Return expectations have shiftelower for fixeincome anpublic equity investments. Smith attributes this unrperformanto a lower risk profile relative to thof its peers because of a lower allocation to illiquiprivate equity investments. In response to the boars concerns, Smith proposes increase in the allocation to the private equity asset class. His proposuses option pritheory for valuation purposes anis supporteMonte Carlo simulations. Exhibit 1 presents selecteta on the current university enwment.scuss Smith’s methofor estimating the increase in return expectations rivefrom increasing the enwment allocation to private equity. Private equity is recognizeilliquialternative investment ancouloffer higher returns via a liquity premium. The illiquity premium (also callethe liquity premium) is the expectecompensation for the aitionrisk of tying up capitfor a potentially uncertain time perio It cestimate Smith hne, using the ia ththe size of a scount investor shoulreceive for sucapitcommitment is rep resentethe value of a put option with exercise priequto the hypothet ic“marketable price” of the illiquiasset estimatethe time of purchase. Smith crive the priof the illiquiprivate equity asset subtracting the put prifrom the “marketable price.” If both the “marketable price” anthe illiquiasset priare estimateor known, then the expectereturn for eaccalculate with the fferenin expectereturns representing the illiquity premium (in %). 机构IPS课后题这几个主观题这种类型的题目感觉很头疼,主观性很强,答不到点子上,不知道从何下手。

2025-01-01 20:33 1 · 回答