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粉红豹 · 2018年10月13日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016010801000126 [ CFA I ]









1、看题库中好多同学说什么为什么不选B 什么blablabla 的,没看懂。

2、还有,这个题目其实是考察弹性对不对?B项中如果改为price elasticity of export demand 也是对的,是吗?


1 个答案

答疑助手丽丽 · 2018年10月13日

1. B是正确的呀。其他同学应该是问的B为什么正确吧。。


3.由 X-M=(S-I)+(T-G)这个公式可知,投资增加时,X-M减少,这样只会增大贸易赤字

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NO.PZ2016010801000126问题如下Whiof the following statements about valuation of a country's currenis correct?A.valuation of currennarrows tra ficit when imports are less thexports.B.valuation of currennarrows tra ficit if the prielasticity of import manis larger thone.C.valuation of currennarrows tra ficit when investment increases in comparison to private angovernment savings. B is correct.The elasticities approasuggests ththe export animport with more elasticity is most likely to narrow the tra ficit in terms of currenvaluation.考点elasticities approa解析弹性理论认为,具有更大弹性的进出口贸易最有可能在货币贬值的情况下缩小贸易逆差。B正确,AC都是打酱油的。 请问A为什么不对呀?货币贬值,进口变少,(X-M)变大,缩小贸易逆差。

2023-08-24 20:52 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010801000126 问题如下 Whiof the following statements about valuation of a country's currenis correct? A.valuation of currennarrows tra ficit when imports are less thexports. B.valuation of currennarrows tra ficit if the prielasticity of import manis larger thone. C.valuation of currennarrows tra ficit when investment increases in comparison to private angovernment savings. B is correct.The elasticities approasuggests ththe export animport with more elasticity is most likely to narrow the tra ficit in terms of currenvaluation.考点elasticities approa解析弹性理论认为,具有更大弹性的进出口贸易最有可能在货币贬值的情况下缩小贸易逆差。B正确,AC都是打酱油的。 贸易赤字是 进口大于出口?请都下补充下常用的词和 考法

2023-07-28 11:07 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010801000126 问题如下 Whiof the following statements about valuation of a country's currenis correct? A.valuation of currennarrows tra ficit when imports are less thexports. B.valuation of currennarrows tra ficit if the prielasticity of import manis larger thone. C.valuation of currennarrows tra ficit when investment increases in comparison to private angovernment savings. B is correct.The elasticities approasuggests ththe export animport with more elasticity is most likely to narrow the tra ficit in terms of currenvaluation.考点elasticities approa解析弹性理论认为,具有更大弹性的进出口贸易最有可能在货币贬值的情况下缩小贸易逆差。B正确,AC都是打酱油的。 X-M=S-I-(G-T)我理解是因为贸易逆差才导致I S.而不是因为I S才导致贸易逆差

2023-05-04 18:28 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010801000126问题如下Whiof the following statements about valuation of a country's currenis correct?A.valuation of currennarrows tra ficit when imports are less thexports.B.valuation of currennarrows tra ficit if the prielasticity of import manis larger thone.C.valuation of currennarrows tra ficit when investment increases in comparison to private angovernment savings. B is correct.The elasticities approasuggests ththe export animport with more elasticity is most likely to narrow the tra ficit in terms of currenvaluation.考点elasticities approa解析弹性理论认为,具有更大弹性的进出口贸易最有可能在货币贬值的情况下缩小贸易逆差。B正确,AC都是打酱油的。 narrow贸易逆差的意思是让X-M变大吗

2023-03-21 23:29 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010801000126 问题如下 Whiof the following statements about valuation of a country's currenis correct? A.valuation of currennarrows tra ficit when imports are less thexports. B.valuation of currennarrows tra ficit if the prielasticity of import manis larger thone. C.valuation of currennarrows tra ficit when investment increases in comparison to private angovernment savings. B is correct.The elasticities approasuggests ththe export animport with more elasticity is most likely to narrow the tra ficit in terms of currenvaluation.考点elasticities approa解析弹性理论认为,具有更大弹性的进出口贸易最有可能在货币贬值的情况下缩小贸易逆差。B正确,AC都是打酱油的。 valuation of currennarrows tra ficit if the prielasticity of import manis larger thone.本币贬值的时候,进口弹性大,说明进口变少,X-M中M变小,这个为什么会narrow呢

2023-02-08 22:40 1 · 回答