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Viola欧拉 · 2024年12月11日




Q. For its fiscal year-end, Calvan Water Corporation (CWC) reported net income of USD12 million and a weighted average of 2,000,000 common shares outstanding. The company paid USD800,000 in preferred dividends and had 100,000 options outstanding with an average exercise price of USD20. CWC’s market price over the year averaged USD25 per share. CWC’s diluted EPS is closest to:


A.USD5.33 B.USD5.54 C.USD5.94


B is correct. The formula to calculate diluted EPS is as follows:

Diluted EPS = (Net income – Preferred dividends)/[Weighted average number of shares outstanding + (New shares that would have been issued at option exercise – Shares that could have been purchased with cash received upon exercise) × (Proportion of year during which the financial instruments were outstanding)].

The underlying assumption is that outstanding options are exercised, and then the proceeds from the issuance of new shares are used to repurchase shares already outstanding:

Proceeds from option exercise = 100,000 × USD20 = USD2,000,000Shares repurchased = USD2,000,000/USD25 = 80,000

The net increase in shares outstanding is thus 100,000 – 80,000 = 20,000. Therefore, the diluted EPS for CWC = (USD12,000,000 – USD800,000)/2,020,000 = USD5.54.


用在外发行100,000 USD 的Option,每一只20,价格低于当前的25USD,所以假设全部期权都会行权,所以购买回80,000支普通股,所以市面上新增的普通股就是100,000-80,000=20,000支,加在分母上了。


1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年12月11日


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NO.PZ2023081403000026 问题如下 Q. For its fiscyear-en CalvWater Corporation (CWreportenet income of US2 million ana weighteaverage of 2,000,000 common shares outstanng. The company paiUS00,000 in preferrevin anh100,000 options outstanng with average exercise priof US0. CWC’s market priover the yeaverageUS5 per share. CWC’s luteEPS is closest to: A.US.33 B.US.54 C.US.94 B is correct. The formula to calculate luteEPS is follows:luteEPS = (Net income – Preferrevin)/[Weighteaverage number of shares outstanng + (New shares thwoulhave been issueoption exercise – Shares thcoulhave been purchasewith cash receiveupon exercise) × (Proportion of yering whithe financiinstruments were outstanng)].The unrlying assumption is thoutstanng options are exercise anthen the procee from the issuanof new shares are useto repurchase shares alrea outstanng:Procee from option exercise = 100,000 × US0 = US,000,000Shares repurchase= US,000,000/US5 = 80,000The net increase in shares outstanng is thus 100,000 – 80,000 = 20,000. Therefore, the luteEPS for CWC = (US2,000,000 – US00,000)/2,020,000 = US.54. 我想问一下兴权这里,以一个低的价格(20)卖出去,再以一个高的价格(25)买回来,这不符合逻辑吧?

2024-11-07 21:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023081403000026 问题如下 Q. For its fiscyear-en CalvWater Corporation (CWreportenet income of US2 million ana weighteaverage of 2,000,000 common shares outstanng. The company paiUS00,000 in preferrevin anh100,000 options outstanng with average exercise priof US0. CWC’s market priover the yeaverageUS5 per share. CWC’s luteEPS is closest to: A.US.33 B.US.54 C.US.94 B is correct. The formula to calculate luteEPS is follows:luteEPS = (Net income – Preferrevin)/[Weighteaverage number of shares outstanng + (New shares thwoulhave been issueoption exercise – Shares thcoulhave been purchasewith cash receiveupon exercise) × (Proportion of yering whithe financiinstruments were outstanng)].The unrlying assumption is thoutstanng options are exercise anthen the procee from the issuanof new shares are useto repurchase shares alrea outstanng:Procee from option exercise = 100,000 × US0 = US,000,000Shares repurchase= US,000,000/US5 = 80,000The net increase in shares outstanng is thus 100,000 – 80,000 = 20,000. Therefore, the luteEPS for CWC = (US2,000,000 – US00,000)/2,020,000 = US.54. 是否只要明确员工行权option,则一定会使得EPS进行稀释原理是,可以这样理解?因为股份数一定变多(分母),且触发员工行权的前提就是,行权价格 market Price

2024-08-28 08:45 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2023081403000026问题如下Q. For its fiscyear-en CalvWater Corporation (CWreportenet income of US2 million ana weighteaverage of 2,000,000 common shares outstanng. The company paiUS00,000 in preferrevin anh100,000 options outstanng with average exercise priof US0. CWC’s market priover the yeaverageUS5 per share. CWC’s luteEPS is closest to:A.US.33B.US.54C.US.94B is correct. The formula to calculate luteEPS is follows:luteEPS = (Net income – Preferrevin)/[Weighteaverage number of shares outstanng + (New shares thwoulhave been issueoption exercise – Shares thcoulhave been purchasewith cash receiveupon exercise) × (Proportion of yering whithe financiinstruments were outstanng)].The unrlying assumption is thoutstanng options are exercise anthen the procee from the issuanof new shares are useto repurchase shares alrea outstanng:Procee from option exercise = 100,000 × US0 = US,000,000Shares repurchase= US,000,000/US5 = 80,000The net increase in shares outstanng is thus 100,000 – 80,000 = 20,000. Therefore, the luteEPS for CWC = (US2,000,000 – US00,000)/2,020,000 = US.54.是luteEPS才需要减股利么 一般EPS不需要

2024-03-22 18:06 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2023081403000026 问题如下 Q. For its fiscyear-en CalvWater Corporation (CWreportenet income of US2 million ana weighteaverage of 2,000,000 common shares outstanng. The company paiUS00,000 in preferrevin anh100,000 options outstanng with average exercise priof US0. CWC’s market priover the yeaverageUS5 per share. CWC’s luteEPS is closest to: A.US.33 B.US.54 C.US.94 B is correct. The formula to calculate luteEPS is follows:luteEPS = (Net income – Preferrevin)/[Weighteaverage number of shares outstanng + (New shares thwoulhave been issueoption exercise – Shares thcoulhave been purchasewith cash receiveupon exercise) × (Proportion of yering whithe financiinstruments were outstanng)].The unrlying assumption is thoutstanng options are exercise anthen the procee from the issuanof new shares are useto repurchase shares alrea outstanng:Procee from option exercise = 100,000 × US0 = US,000,000Shares repurchase= US,000,000/US5 = 80,000The net increase in shares outstanng is thus 100,000 – 80,000 = 20,000. Therefore, the luteEPS for CWC = (US2,000,000 – US00,000)/2,020,000 = US.54. 老师这套题我算出来结果接近B,但是不是B,过程肯定有问题,但是又不知道在哪里有问题。求重新讲解一遍,🙏

2024-02-18 12:35 1 · 回答