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北匈奴人 · 2024年12月10日




Andrews, a private wealth manager, is conducting interviews for a new research analyst for his firm. One of the candidates is Wright, an analyst with a local investment bank. During the interview, while Wright is describing his analytical skills, he mentions a current merger in which his firm is acting as the adviser. Andrews has heard rumors of a possible merger between the two companies, but no releases have been made by the companies concerned. Which of the following actions by Andrews is least likely a violation of the Code and Standards?



Waiting until the next day before trading on the information to allow time for it to become public.


Notifying all investment managers in his firm of the new information so none of their clients are disadvantaged.


Placing the securities mentioned as part of the merger on the firm’s restricted trading list.


C is correct.

The guidance to Standard II(A) –Material Nonpublic Information recommends adding securities to the firm’s restricted list when the firm has or may have material nonpublic information. By adding these securities to this list, Andrews would uphold this standard. Because waiting until the next day will not ensure that news of the merger is made public, answer A is incorrect. Negotiations may take much longer between the two companies, and the merger may never happen. Andrews must wait until the information is disseminated to the market before he trades on that information. Answer B is incorrect because Andrews should not disclose the information to other managers; no trading is allowed on material nonpublic information.



1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年12月11日


A. 等待一天再交易:这个选项的问题在于,即使等待一天,也不能保证该并购信息已经成为公开信息。并购谈判可能持续很长时间,甚至可能最终不成功。因此,仅仅等待一天并不能确保交易的合规性。此外,这种“等待一天”的策略并没有解决拥有非公开信息可能带来的问题,而是试图通过时间流逝来规避它,这不是一个合规的解决方案。

B. 通知公司内的所有投资经理:这个选项同样存在问题。首先,披露非公开信息给其他人(即使是公司内部人员)仍然是不当的,因为这可能导致基于该信息进行交易,从而违反市场公平原则。其次,这种做法并没有解决非公开信息可能带来的合规风险,反而可能扩大了知悉该信息的人群,增加了不当使用的风险。

C. 将涉及的证券加入公司的限制交易列表:这是最直接且合规的解决方式。通过将涉及并购的证券加入限制交易列表,公司可以确保在信息公开之前,没有人能够基于这些非公开信息进行交易。这种做法符合行业标准和道德规范,因为它有效地防止了不当使用非公开信息。


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NO.PZ2016032801000032 Notifying all investment managers in his firm of the new information so none of their clients are saantage Placing the securities mentionepart of the merger on the firm’s restrictetrang list. C is correct. The guinto StanrII(–MateriNonpublic Information recommen aing securities to the firm’s restrictelist when the firm hor mhave materinonpublic information. aing these securities to this list, Anews woulupholthis stanr Because waiting until the next y will not ensure thnews of the merger is ma publianswer A is incorrect. Negotiations mtake mulonger between the two companies, anthe merger mnever happen. Anews must wait until the information is sseminateto the market before he tras on thinformation. Answer B is incorrebecause Anews shoulnot sclose the information to other managers; no trang is alloweon materinonpublic information.又不是故意打听内幕信息,被动知道的信息,在没公开之前不用不就完了,公开之后再用呗,怎么还给限制了,照题目这说法公开以后也不能用,照这样以后最好什么信息也别知道,万一被动知道的内幕信息多了,那得错过多少投资机会,什么玩意儿啊

2022-03-30 15:17 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032801000032 Notifying all investment managers in his firm of the new information so none of their clients are saantage Placing the securities mentionepart of the merger on the firm’s restrictetrang list. C is correct. The guinto StanrII(–MateriNonpublic Information recommen aing securities to the firm’s restrictelist when the firm hor mhave materinonpublic information. aing these securities to this list, Anews woulupholthis stanr Because waiting until the next y will not ensure thnews of the merger is ma publianswer A is incorrect. Negotiations mtake mulonger between the two companies, anthe merger mnever happen. Anews must wait until the information is sseminateto the market before he tras on thinformation. Answer B is incorrebecause Anews shoulnot sclose the information to other managers; no trang is alloweon materinonpublic information.请问这个知识点在讲义第几页呢

2021-07-21 18:16 1 · 回答


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