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nilidgnauh · 2024年12月10日


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Which asset class would best satisfy the Fund’s diversification strategy?



Private equity


Private real estate


Absolute return hedge fund


C is correct. An absolute return hedge fund has a greater potential to diversify the fund’s dominant public equity risk than either private equity or private real estate. Absolute return hedge funds exhibit an equity beta that is often less than that of private equity or private real estate. Also, absolute return hedge funds tend to exhibit a high potential to diversify public equities, whereas equity long/short hedge funds exhibit a moderate potential to fulfill this role.

A is incorrect because although private equity provides moderate diversification against public equity, an absolute return hedge fund has a greater potential to do so. The primary advantage of private equity is capital growth.

B is incorrect because private real estate provides only moderate diversification against public equity, whereas absolute return hedge funds have a greater potential to do so. The primary advantage of private real estate is income generation.

C是正确的。 与私募股权或私人房地产相比,An absolute return hedge fund在分散基金主要公共股权风险方面具有更大的潜力。 An absolute return hedge fund的股票贝塔系数通常低于私募股权或私人房地产的贝塔系数。 此外,An absolute return hedge fund在分散公开股票方面往往表现出很高的潜力,而股票多头/空头对冲基金则表现出适度的潜力来发挥这一作用。

A 是不正确的,因为尽管私募股权相对于公共股权提供适度的多元化,但An absolute return hedge fund有更大的潜力这样做。 私募股权的主要优势是资本增长。

B 是不正确的,因为私人房地产仅提供相对于公共股票的适度多元化,而An absolute return hedge fund有更大的潜力这样做。 私人房地产的主要优势是创收。

由于私人房地产和二级市场上的上市公司一样会受到一些宏观因素的影响(例如利率),所以只是部分的分散化的效果,但是分散化更好的主要还是Absolute return hedge fund,其β对冲掉了,基本只剩α的影响了,所以不受宏观因素的影响,使得其分散化更好。

题目问题是Which asset class would best satisfy the Fund’s diversification strategy?

The fund’s investment objective is to support a 6% annual spending rate and to preserve the purchasing power of the asset base over a 10-year time horizon. The fund also wants to invest in assets that provide the highest amount of diversification against its dominant equity risk. Gension considers potential alternative investment options that would best meet the fund’s diversification strategy.

这里的diversification strategy是指满足highest amount of diversification against its dominant equity risk,还是说要同时满足6% annual spending,preserve purchasing power和diversification的策略呢?

1 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2024年12月10日




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NO.PZ201909280100001101问题如下 Whiasset class woulbest satisfy the Funsversification strategy? A.Private equityB.Private reestateC.Absolute return hee fun C is correct. Anabsolute return hee funha greater potentito versify the funs minantpublic equity risk theither private equity or private reestate. Absolutereturn hee fun exhibit equity beta this often less ththofprivate equity or private reestate. Also, absolute return hee fun teno exhibit a high potentito versify public equities, whereequitylong/short hee fun exhibit a morate potentito fulfill this role.A is incorrectbecause although private equity provis morate versification againstpublic equity, absolute return hee funha greater potentito so.The primary aantage of private equity is capitgrowth.B is incorrectbecause private reestate provis only morate versification againstpublic equity, whereabsolute return hee fun have a greater potentito so. The primary aantage of private reestate is income generation. C是正确的。 与私募股权或私人房地产相比,absolute return hee fun分散基金主要公共股权风险方面具有更大的潜力。 absolute return hee fun股票贝塔系数通常低于私募股权或私人房地产的贝塔系数。 此外,absolute return hee fun分散公开股票方面往往表现出很高的潜力,而股票多头/空头对冲基金则表现出适度的潜力来发挥这一作用。A 是不正确的,因为尽管私募股权相对于公共股权提供适度的多元化,但absolute return hee fun更大的潜力这样做。 私募股权的主要优势是资本增长。B 是不正确的,因为私人房地产仅提供相对于公共股票的适度多元化,而absolute return hee fun更大的潜力这样做。 私人房地产的主要优势是创收。 由于私人房地产和二级市场上的上市公司一样会受到一些宏观因素的影响(例如利率),所以只是部分的分散化的效果,但是分散化更好的主要还是Absolute return hee fun其β对冲掉了,基本只剩α的影响了,所以不受宏观因素的影响,使得其分散化更好。 这里说绝对收益策略和权益资产的分散度很高,那绝对收益策略也是和中性策略一样去除乐贝塔 只留下阿尔法吗

2024-10-20 09:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201909280100001101 问题如下 Eileen Gension isa portfolio manager for Zen-Alt Investment Consultants (Zen-Alt), whiassistsinstitutioninvestors with investing in alternative investments. CharlesSmittanis analyst Zen-Alt anreports to Gension. Gension anSmittaniscuss a new client, the Benziger University Enwment Fun(the fun, aswell a prospective client, the Opeptaja Pension Pl(the plan).The funs currentportfolio is investeprimarily in public equities, with the remainr investen fixeincome. The funs investment objective is to support a 6% annualspenng rate anto preserve the purchasing power of the asset base over a10-yetime horizon. The funalso wants to invest in assets thprovi thehighest amount of versification against its minant equity risk. Gensionconsirs potentialternative investment options thwoulbest meet thefuns versification strategy.In preparation forthe first meeting between Zen-Alt anthe fun Gension anSmittanscussimplementing a short-biaseequity strategy within the fun Smittanmakes thefollowing three statements regarng short-biaseequity strategies:Statement 1 Short-biaseequity strategies generally provi alpha when useto versify public equities.Statement 2 Short-biaseequity strategies are expecteto provi a higher rection in volatility thbon over a long time horizon.Statement 3 Short-biaseequity strategies are expecteto mitigate the risk of public equities recing the overall portfolio beta of the funGension rectsSmittanto prepare asset allocation anportfolio characteristita onthree alternative portfolios. The funs risk profile is one factor thatpotentilenrs consir when assigning a risk rating to the university. Alocovenant with the university’s primary lenr states tha re-evaluationof the university’s cretworthiness is triggereif the funincurs a lossgreater th20% over any one-yeperio Smittanstates ththe recommensset allocation shoulachieve the following three goals, in orr of priorityanimportance:Minimize the probability of triggering the primary lenr’s locovenant.Minimize the probability of purchasing power impairment over a 10-yehorizon.Maximize the probability of achieving a rereturn target of 6% over a 10-yehorizon.Smittanprovista for three alternative portfolios, whiare presentein Exhibits 1 an2.Notes:One-yehorizon 99% VaR: the lowest return over any one-yeperioa 99% confinlevelOne-yehorizon 99% CVaR: the expectereturn if the return falls below the 99% Vthresholrobability of purchasing power impairment: the probability of losing 40% of the funs purchasing power over 10 years, after consiration of new gifts receivethe fun spenng from the fun antotreturnsGension next meetswith the investment committee (Iof the Opeptaja Pension Plto scuss newopportunities in alternative investments. The plis a $1 billion publicpension funthis requireto provi tailereports to the public anperates unr specific government guilines. The plan’s IC aptea formalinvestment polithspecifies investment horizon of 20 years. The planha teof in-house analysts with significant experienin alternativeinvestments.ring themeeting, the IC incates thit is interestein investing in private realestate. Gension recommen a reestate investment manageexperienceewith a proven trarecor The investment will require multiple capitalcalls over the next few years. The IC procee to commit to the new reestateinvestment anseeks aion liquity planning relateto the future capitalcalls. Whiasset class woulbest satisfy the Funsversification strategy? A.Private equity B.Private reestate C.Absolute return hee fun C is correct. Anabsolute return hee funha greater potentito versify the funs minantpublic equity risk theither private equity or private reestate. Absolutereturn hee fun exhibit equity beta this often less ththofprivate equity or private reestate. Also, absolute return hee fun teno exhibit a high potentito versify public equities, whereequitylong/short hee fun exhibit a morate potentito fulfill this role.A is incorrectbecause although private equity provis morate versification againstpublic equity, absolute return hee funha greater potentito so.The primary aantage of private equity is capitgrowth.B is incorrectbecause private reestate provis only morate versification againstpublic equity, whereabsolute return hee fun have a greater potentito so. The primary aantage of private reestate is income generation. C是正确的。 与私募股权或私人房地产相比,absolute return hee fun分散基金主要公共股权风险方面具有更大的潜力。 absolute return hee fun股票贝塔系数通常低于私募股权或私人房地产的贝塔系数。 此外,absolute return hee fun分散公开股票方面往往表现出很高的潜力,而股票多头/空头对冲基金则表现出适度的潜力来发挥这一作用。A 是不正确的,因为尽管私募股权相对于公共股权提供适度的多元化,但absolute return hee fun更大的潜力这样做。 私募股权的主要优势是资本增长。B 是不正确的,因为私人房地产仅提供相对于公共股票的适度多元化,而absolute return hee fun更大的潜力这样做。 私人房地产的主要优势是创收。 由于私人房地产和二级市场上的上市公司一样会受到一些宏观因素的影响(例如利率),所以只是部分的分散化的效果,但是分散化更好的主要还是Absolute return hee fun其β对冲掉了,基本只剩α的影响了,所以不受宏观因素的影响,使得其分散化更好。 Absolute return hee fun要指哪些策略?表里的 Equity long/short 指的是 long/short equity 和 EMN两个策略吗

2024-08-09 23:14 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201909280100001101 问题如下 Whiasset class woulbest satisfy the Funsversification strategy? A.Private equity B.Private reestate C.Absolute return hee fun C is correct. Anabsolute return hee funha greater potentito versify the funs minantpublic equity risk theither private equity or private reestate. Absolutereturn hee fun exhibit equity beta this often less ththofprivate equity or private reestate. Also, absolute return hee fun teno exhibit a high potentito versify public equities, whereequitylong/short hee fun exhibit a morate potentito fulfill this role.A is incorrectbecause although private equity provis morate versification againstpublic equity, absolute return hee funha greater potentito so.The primary aantage of private equity is capitgrowth.B is incorrectbecause private reestate provis only morate versification againstpublic equity, whereabsolute return hee fun have a greater potentito so. The primary aantage of private reestate is income generation. C是正确的。 与私募股权或私人房地产相比,absolute return hee fun分散基金主要公共股权风险方面具有更大的潜力。 absolute return hee fun股票贝塔系数通常低于私募股权或私人房地产的贝塔系数。 此外,absolute return hee fun分散公开股票方面往往表现出很高的潜力,而股票多头/空头对冲基金则表现出适度的潜力来发挥这一作用。A 是不正确的,因为尽管私募股权相对于公共股权提供适度的多元化,但absolute return hee fun更大的潜力这样做。 私募股权的主要优势是资本增长。B 是不正确的,因为私人房地产仅提供相对于公共股票的适度多元化,而absolute return hee fun更大的潜力这样做。 私人房地产的主要优势是创收。 由于私人房地产和二级市场上的上市公司一样会受到一些宏观因素的影响(例如利率),所以只是部分的分散化的效果,但是分散化更好的主要还是Absolute return hee fun其β对冲掉了,基本只剩α的影响了,所以不受宏观因素的影响,使得其分散化更好。 请问一下老师,为什么不选B

2023-12-10 17:57 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201909280100001101问题如下 Whiasset class woulbest satisfy the Funsversification strategy? A.Private equityB.Private reestateC.Absolute return hee fun C is correct. Anabsolute return hee funha greater potentito versify the funs minantpublic equity risk theither private equity or private reestate. Absolutereturn hee fun exhibit equity beta this often less ththofprivate equity or private reestate. Also, absolute return hee fun teno exhibit a high potentito versify public equities, whereequitylong/short hee fun exhibit a morate potentito fulfill this role.A is incorrectbecause although private equity provis morate versification againstpublic equity, absolute return hee funha greater potentito so.The primary aantage of private equity is capitgrowth.B is incorrectbecause private reestate provis only morate versification againstpublic equity, whereabsolute return hee fun have a greater potentito so. The primary aantage of private reestate is income generation. C是正确的。 与私募股权或私人房地产相比,absolute return hee fun分散基金主要公共股权风险方面具有更大的潜力。 absolute return hee fun股票贝塔系数通常低于私募股权或私人房地产的贝塔系数。 此外,absolute return hee fun分散公开股票方面往往表现出很高的潜力,而股票多头/空头对冲基金则表现出适度的潜力来发挥这一作用。A 是不正确的,因为尽管私募股权相对于公共股权提供适度的多元化,但absolute return hee fun更大的潜力这样做。 私募股权的主要优势是资本增长。B 是不正确的,因为私人房地产仅提供相对于公共股票的适度多元化,而absolute return hee fun更大的潜力这样做。 私人房地产的主要优势是创收。 由于私人房地产和二级市场上的上市公司一样会受到一些宏观因素的影响(例如利率),所以只是部分的分散化的效果,但是分散化更好的主要还是Absolute return hee fun其β对冲掉了,基本只剩α的影响了,所以不受宏观因素的影响,使得其分散化更好。 讲义里好像没有这个知识点。但是他的贝塔没有了,好像跟 Market neutral那个策略很像,这两个是同一个东西吗?

2023-08-29 23:36 1 · 回答