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tristabo · 2024年12月09日

B选项 bond



An individual investor reviews historical data on the performance of several investment funds and decides to create a USD 1 million portfolio that mimics the strategy of Fund CRN, which has consistently generated high alphas. The investor gathers Fund CRN’s monthly returns over the last 10 years and regresses Fund CRN’s monthly excess returns over the risk-free rate against the Fama-French model’s three factors as well as a momentum factor. The investor obtains the following statistically significant estimates:

Which of the following positions is a component of the mimicking portfolio?



USD 7,000 long position in stocks showing positive momentum


USD 450,000 short position in T-bills


USD 360,000 long position in value stocks


USD 630,000 short position in growth stocks


C is correct.

The mimicking portfolio should consist of (in percentages):

(1 - 0.55) = 45% in T-bills

+ 55% in the market portfolio

-63% in small caps + 63% in large caps

+ 36% in value stocks – 36% in growth stocks

-7% in past winning stocks + 7% in past losing stocks

The 36% long position in value stocks translates to USD 360,000 for a portfolio of USD 1 million.

Risk Management and Investment Management

Apply a factor regression to construct a benchmark with multiple factors, measure a portfolio’s sensitivity to those factors, and measure alpha against that benchmark.

Andrew Ang, Asset Management: A Systematic Approach to Factor Investing (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2014). Chapter 10. Alpha (and the Low-Risk Anomaly)

为什么bond比率为1—55% 从公式哪个部分理解的呢

1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2024年12月10日



回归系数表明MKT loading为0.55,意思是这个投资组合相对于市场大盘有55%的暴露,那么剩下的45%的暴露也就是放在市场大盘的对立面(大盘意味着股票市场,股票市场的对立面也就是无风险的国债T-bills),也就是45%(1 - 0.55 = 0.45)的组合应该投资于国债,而非空头仓位。正确的做法是持有T-bills的多头仓位,因此B是错误的。


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NO.PZ2019042401000051问题如下 inviinvestor reviews historicta on the performanof severinvestment fun ancis to create a US1 million portfolio thmimithe strategy of FunCRN, whihconsistently generatehigh alphas. The investor gathers FunCRN’s monthly returns over the last 10 years anregresses FunCRN’s monthly excess returns over the risk-free rate against the Fama-Frenmol’s three factors well a momentum factor. The investor obtains the following statistically significant estimates:Whiof the following positions is a component of the mimicking portfolio? A.US7,000 long position in stocks showing positive momentum B.US450,000 short position in T-billsC.US360,000 long position in value stocksUS630,000 short position in growth stocks C is correct.The mimicking portfolio shoulconsist of (in percentages): (1 - 0.55) = 45% in T-bills+ 55% in the market portfolio-63% in small caps + 63% in large caps+ 36% in value stocks – 36% in growth stocks-7% in past winning stocks + 7% in past losing stocksThe 36% long position in value stocks translates to US360,000 for a portfolio of US1 million.Risk Management anInvestment ManagementApply a factor regression to construa benchmark with multiple factors, measure a portfolio’s sensitivity to those factors, anmeasure alpha against thbenchmark. Anew Ang, Asset Management: A Systematic Approato Factor Investing (New York, NY: OxforUniversity Press, 2014). Chapter 10. Alpha (anthe Low-Risk Anomaly) 我还是没明白 为啥选HML ? 而不是选其他 去模仿 ?

2024-09-22 17:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019042401000051 问题如下 inviinvestor reviews historicta on the performanof severinvestment fun ancis to create a US1 million portfolio thmimithe strategy of FunCRN, whihconsistently generatehigh alphas. The investor gathers FunCRN’s monthly returns over the last 10 years anregresses FunCRN’s monthly excess returns over the risk-free rate against the Fama-Frenmol’s three factors well a momentum factor. The investor obtains the following statistically significant estimates:Whiof the following positions is a component of the mimicking portfolio? A.US7,000 long position in stocks showing positive momentum B.US450,000 short position in T-bills C.US360,000 long position in value stocks US630,000 short position in growth stocks C is correct.The mimicking portfolio shoulconsist of (in percentages): (1 - 0.55) = 45% in T-bills+ 55% in the market portfolio-63% in small caps + 63% in large caps+ 36% in value stocks – 36% in growth stocks-7% in past winning stocks + 7% in past losing stocksThe 36% long position in value stocks translates to US360,000 for a portfolio of US1 million.Risk Management anInvestment ManagementApply a factor regression to construa benchmark with multiple factors, measure a portfolio’s sensitivity to those factors, anmeasure alpha against thbenchmark. Anew Ang, Asset Management: A Systematic Approato Factor Investing (New York, NY: OxforUniversity Press, 2014). Chapter 10. Alpha (anthe Low-Risk Anomaly) 如题

2024-03-19 15:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019042401000051问题如下 inviinvestor reviews historicta on the performanof severinvestment fun ancis to create a US1 million portfolio thmimithe strategy of FunCRN, whihconsistently generatehigh alphas. The investor gathers FunCRN’s monthly returns over the last 10 years anregresses FunCRN’s monthly excess returns over the risk-free rate against the Fama-Frenmol’s three factors well a momentum factor. The investor obtains the following statistically significant estimates:Whiof the following positions is a component of the mimicking portfolio? A.US7,000 long position in stocks showing positive momentum B.US450,000 short position in T-billsC.US360,000 long position in value stocksUS630,000 short position in growth stocks C is correct.The mimicking portfolio shoulconsist of (in percentages): (1 - 0.55) = 45% in T-bills+ 55% in the market portfolio-63% in small caps + 63% in large caps+ 36% in value stocks – 36% in growth stocks-7% in past winning stocks + 7% in past losing stocksThe 36% long position in value stocks translates to US360,000 for a portfolio of US1 million.Risk Management anInvestment ManagementApply a factor regression to construa benchmark with multiple factors, measure a portfolio’s sensitivity to those factors, anmeasure alpha against thbenchmark. Anew Ang, Asset Management: A Systematic Approato Factor Investing (New York, NY: OxforUniversity Press, 2014). Chapter 10. Alpha (anthe Low-Risk Anomaly) 请问这道题考的是哪个知识点,没有理解怎么计算出来的?

2024-03-05 16:21 1 · 回答