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程卤蛋蛋 · 2024年12月08日


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Which active bond portfolio maximizes expected excess return under a stable credit market assumption versus an equally weighted benchmark portfolio across the three rating categories?



50% A rated bonds, 50% BBB rated bonds


50% BBB rated bonds, 50% BB rated bonds


50% A rated bonds, 50% B rated bonds


A is correct. E[ExcessSpread] from Question 15 is 0.90%, 1.00%, and 0.25% for the A-, BBB-, and B rated categories, respectively.

The excess spread of the 50% A rated and 50% BBB rated portfolio is 0.95% (=(0.9% + 1.00%/2) versus the equally weighted portfolio expected excess return of 0.7167% (=(0.90% + 1.00% + 0.25%)/3) for a positive active return of 0.233%, while B and C return less than the equally weighted benchmark.

老师,我看到了stable credit market assumption,以为是默认违约事件不会发生,所以选了B.


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NO.PZ202112010200001902 问题如下 Whiactive bonportfolio maximizes expecteexcess return unra stable cret market assumption versus equally weightebenchmarkportfolio across the three rating categories? A.50% A ratebon, 50% Bratebon B.50% Bratebon, 50% ratebon C.50% A ratebon, 50% B ratebon A is correct. E[ExcessSprea from Question 15 is0.90%, 1.00%, an0.25% for the A-, BBB-, anB ratecategories, respectively.The excess spreof the 50% A ratean50% Brateportfolio is0.95% (=(0.9% + 1.00%/2) versus the equallyweighteportfolio expecteexcess return of 0.7167% (=(0.90% + 1.00% + 0.25%)/3) for a positive active return of 0.233%, while BanC return less ththe equally weighteenchmark. 50%B不会算了,是BBBB混合?

2024-12-07 20:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202112010200001902 问题如下 Whiactive bonportfolio maximizes expecteexcess return unra stable cret market assumption versus equally weightebenchmarkportfolio across the three rating categories? A.50% A ratebon, 50% Bratebon B.50% Bratebon, 50% ratebon C.50% A ratebon, 50% B ratebon A is correct. E[ExcessSprea from Question 15 is0.90%, 1.00%, an0.25% for the A-, BBB-, anB ratecategories, respectively.The excess spreof the 50% A ratean50% Brateportfolio is0.95% (=(0.9% + 1.00%/2) versus the equallyweighteportfolio expecteexcess return of 0.7167% (=(0.90% + 1.00% + 0.25%)/3) for a positive active return of 0.233%, while BanC return less ththe equally weighteenchmark. 不明白

2023-11-26 00:09 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202112010200001902问题如下 Whiactive bonportfolio maximizes expecteexcess return unra stable cret market assumption versus equally weightebenchmarkportfolio across the three rating categories? A.50% A ratebon, 50% Bratebon B.50% Bratebon, 50% ratebon C.50% A ratebon, 50% B ratebon A is correct. E[ExcessSprea from Question 15 is0.90%, 1.00%, an0.25% for the A-, BBB-, anB ratecategories, respectively.The excess spreof the 50% A ratean50% Brateportfolio is0.95% (=(0.9% + 1.00%/2) versus the equallyweighteportfolio expecteexcess return of 0.7167% (=(0.90% + 1.00% + 0.25%)/3) for a positive active return of 0.233%, while BanC return less ththe equally weighteenchmark. 对 题目里stable cret market 的理解是,在基础课cret sprecurve stategies 里第一种static情形,PO=0,所以EXR=OAS,请老师对我这样理解解惑,谢谢。

2022-03-15 23:10 1 · 回答