Financial industry enthusiasts John and Bourne discussed the difference between managing institutional portfolios and managing personal portfolios. The following points were proposed:
1. Governance and decision-making processes are more focused on individual investors.
2. The regulatory environment for institutional investors and individual investors often differs.
3.After all, securities are securities, so asset selection is a skill that can easily be transferred from institutional investment portfolios to individual investment portfolios.
Which point is the most inaccurate about personal and institutional wealth management? The key points are:
A.asset selection.
the regulatory framework.
governance and decision making.
A is correct. Compared to institutions, asset allocation and selection are much more difficult when managing individual investment portfolios. Wealth management for individuals must consider such constraints as time horizon, scale, taxation, and unique circumstances, such as preferred or restricted holdings of securities, all of which may interfere with the optimization of investors' investment portfolios. This situation is less likely to occur in the institutional environment.
B is not correct. The regulatory framework for institutional investors and individual investors is often vastly different. In some countries, there are different bodies dealing with each sector.
C is incorrect. Governance and decision-making processes are more focused on individual investors; Investment policy statements are the main governance structure, and wealth managers are usually given discretionary power to execute and report matters. Institutional governance is much more formal, and investment strategies and supervision are carried out by one or more layers of committees.
Governance and decision-making processes are more focused on individual investors.
老师麻烦再解释一下这句话为什么是正确的?我的理解是机构投资者的Goverance and decision-making process更加完善?