When Tom and his investment advisor Johnson discussed investment risks, Tom stated that he is moderately conservative and invests most of his assets in securities that have below-average volatility. Johnson responded, "As your wealth manager, I can help you better understand and shape your perception of investment risks, which will enable you to increase your risk tolerance.
Johnson's comments on investment risks are likely to be:
incorrect regarding risk tolerance.
incorrect regarding risk perception.
B is correct. The statement about risk tolerance is incorrect. Risk tolerance is the level of risk that an individual is willing and able to bear, which is related to their attitude towards risk. The overall risk tolerance of individuals is relatively stable and unlikely to change with changes in financial market conditions. In addition, client’s risk tolerance for individual goals may vary; They may have lower risk tolerance for short-term goals, but higher risk tolerance for long-term goals.
A is incorrect. The statement about risk tolerance is incorrect. Risk tolerance is the level of risk that an individual is willing and able to bear, which is related to their attitude towards risk. Risk perception is a subjective assessment of the risks involved. Unlike risk tolerance, client ' perception of investment risk depends on the specific situation. Wealth managers can help shape clients' risk perception, but doing so will not increase their risk tolerance.
C is incorrect. The statement about risk perception is correct. Risk perception is a subjective assessment of the risks involved, and how client perceive investment risks depends on the specific situation. Wealth managers can help shape clients' risk perception.
风险承受能力是主客观的结合 客观改变不了 主观上认识到了可以更激进一点 难道不会提高risk tolerance吗