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阿里 · 2024年11月19日




Which of the following is most likely a common feature of ESG investing that asset owners seek to identify through the request for proposal (RFP) process?


A.Voting only B.Screening process only C.Both voting and screening process


A is incorrect because both voting and screening process are among the main features of ESG investing investigated through RFPs.

B is incorrect because both voting and screening process are among the main features of ESG investing investigated through RFPs.

C is correct because both voting and screening process are among the main features of ESG investing investigated through RFPs. The most common features of ESG investing that asset owners and intermediaries, including pension consultants and fund selectors, are seeking to identify through request for proposal (RFP) and selection processes: voting, engagement, examples of decision making, and screening process.


1 个答案

王岑 · 2024年11月20日



RFP 阶段是资产所有者(如养老基金、主权财富基金等)通过招标方式考查潜在基金经理的一部分。在这个阶段,资产所有者试图评估基金经理是否能够在实践中体现其 ESG 投资理念。投资者的目标不仅仅是了解基金经理如何选择投资标的(比如通过筛选过程 screening),还希望明确基金经理在投资后如何管理投资,包括如何通过投票权(voting)和积极参与(engagement)推动 ESG 改善。

RFP 阶段关注 voting 的主要原因是:

1.投票反映了基金经理的实践能力:投票是 ESG 投资的重要手段,尤其是在主动投资中。基金经理通过在股东大会上的投票,表达对公司治理、环境政策或社会责任的支持或反对。投票行为可以直接体现基金经理是否将资产所有者的 ESG 理念付诸实践。

2.投票策略是 ESG 整合的一部分:投票不仅仅是技术上的操作,而是 ESG 投资实施的核心部分。资产所有者希望基金经理能够通过投票对公司行为产生影响,并与投资目标保持一致。如果基金经理没有清晰的投票政策或过去投票记录,可能表明其 ESG 整合不够成熟。

3.投票策略有助于筛选基金经理的价值观和方法论:RFP 阶段不仅关注基金经理的筛选标准(screening process),还关注其在持仓后如何参与到公司治理中。投票记录可以展示基金经理是否对 ESG 问题保持长期关注。


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NO.PZ2024021802000097 问题如下 Whiof the following is most likely a common feature of ESG investing thasset owners seek to intify through the request for propos(RFP) process? A.Voting only B.Screening process only C.Both voting anscreening process A is incorrectbecause both voting anscreening process are among the main features of ESGinvesting investigatethrough RFPs.B is incorrectbecause both voting anscreening process are among the main features of ESGinvesting investigatethrough RFPs.C is correctbecause both voting anscreening process are among the main features of ESGinvesting investigatethrough RFPs. The most common features of ESG investingthasset owners anintermearies, inclung pension consultants anfunelectors, are seeking to intify through request for propos(RFP) anelection processes: voting, engagement, examples of cision making, ancreening process. 这里的voting是指在FRP中看一看manager如何参与或参与过的voting吗?

2024-10-10 15:49 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024021802000097问题如下 Whiof the following is most likely a common feature of ESG investing thasset owners seek to intify through the request for propos(RFP) process?A.Voting onlyB.Screening process onlyC.Both voting anscreening process A is incorrectbecause both voting anscreening process are among the main features of ESGinvesting investigatethrough RFPs.B is incorrectbecause both voting anscreening process are among the main features of ESGinvesting investigatethrough RFPs.C is correctbecause both voting anscreening process are among the main features of ESGinvesting investigatethrough RFPs. The most common features of ESG investingthasset owners anintermearies, inclung pension consultants anfunelectors, are seeking to intify through request for propos(RFP) anelection processes: voting, engagement, examples of cision making, ancreening process. 老师你好讲义17开始讲RPF,没有提到vote,请问在哪个位置提到了?

2024-06-03 10:29 1 · 回答