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sliang · 2024年11月18日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



Determine which trades are most likely to exhibit the greatest execution risk and market impact. Justify each selection.



The XYZ trade exhibits the greatest execution risk because XYZ has the highest price volatility of the three stocks. Execution risk is the risk of an adverse price movement occurring over the trading horizon owing to a change in the fundamental value of the security or because of trading-induced volatility. Execution risk is often proxied by price volatility. Securities with higher levels of price volatility have greater exposure to execution risk than securities with lower price volatility.

The ABC trade exhibits the greatest market impact risk as it represents the highest percentage of ADV (45,000 / 195,000 = 23.07%). The permanent component of price change associated with trading an order is the market price impact caused by the information content of the trade. The larger the size of the trade expressed as a percentage of ADV, the larger the expected market impact cost.

请问这里BID-ASK SPREAD在这里起什么作用呀?通过更多的或者更少的spread 可以说明什么呀?谢谢

1 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2024年11月18日


1、bid-ask spread是用来衡量流动性风险的指标。这个spread越大,就说明流动性风险越大,流动性越差。反之,spread越小,就说明流动性风险越小,流动性越好。

2、不过,在这道题中,最后一列的bid-ask spread 是用不到的。


  • 1

  • 0

  • 15


NO.PZ202110280100000302 问题如下 termine whitras are most likely to exhibit the greatest execution riskanmarket impact. Justify easelection. The XYZtra exhibits the greatest execution risk because XYZ hthe highest privolatilityof the three stocks. Execution risk is the risk of aerse primovement occurringover the trang horizon owing to a change in the funmentvalue of the securityor because of trang-incevolatility. Execution risk is often proxiepricevolatility. Securities with higher levels of privolatility have greaterexposure to execution risk thsecurities with lower privolatility.TheAtra exhibits the greatest market imparisk it represents the highestpercentage of A (45,000 / 195,000 = 23.07%). The permanent component of pricechange associatewith trang orr is the market priimpacausebythe information content of the tra. The larger the size of the traexpressea percentage of A, the larger the expectemarket impacost. 1 这个题题眼很容易看出来,市场影响,从订单大小交易速度快慢判断,这个题要是在说交易速度快就更能证明了,以下是我的答案,看可行?Ahgreatest marke impact.its orr size is large relative to average ily volume,whiis 23%. meanwhile, it ha wi biask sprea if trang the stoAquickly, it must brings marke impact.XYZ hgreatest execution risk.the privolatility of XYZ is high. it mbring execution risk e to slowly trang.2 另外发现这次原版书的课后题好像变了一些,肯定是要做的,那被删掉的课后题(去年还有)这个还需要在做下吗?

2023-05-07 16:03 2 · 回答