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12345678wdv · 2024年11月11日

请问这里为什么可以直接直接乘以100 求surplus at risk



An analyst reports the following fund information to the advisor of a pension fund that currently invests in government and corporate bonds and carries a surplus of USD 10 million.

To evaluate the sufficiency of the fund’s surplus, the advisor estimates the possible surplus values at the end of one year. The advisor assumes that annual returns on assets and the annual growth of the liabilities are jointly normally distributed and their correlation coefficient is 0.8. The advisor can report that, with a confidence level of 95%, the surplus value will be greater than or equal to:


A.USD -11.4 million B.USD -8.3 million C.USD -1.7 million D.USD 0 million


The lower bound of the 95% confidence interval is equal to: Expected Surplus – (95% confidence factor × Volatility of Surplus). The required variables can be calculated as follows: Variance of the surplus = 1002 × 10%2 + 902 × 5%2 – 2 × 100 × 90 × 10% × 5% × 0.8 = 48.25 Volatility of the surplus = 6.94 The expected surplus = 9.7 Therefore, the lower bound of the 95% confidence interval = 9.7 – 1.645 × 6.94 = -1.725

如题,不是要用权重来求的吗 100/(100+90),请问这个该怎么理解

1 个答案

pzqa39 · 2024年11月11日




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NO.PZ2023101902000037 问题如下 analyst reports the following funinformation to the aisor of a pension funthcurrently invests in government ancorporate bon ancarries a surplus of US10 million.To evaluate the sufficienof the funs surplus, the aisor estimates the possible surplus values the enof one year. The aisor assumes thannureturns on assets anthe annugrowth of the liabilities are jointly normally stributeantheir correlation coefficient is 0.8. The aisor creport that, with a confinlevel of 95%, the surplus value will greater thor equto: A.US-11.4 million B.US-8.3 million C.US-1.7 million US0 million The lower bounof the 95% confinintervis equto: ExpecteSurplus – (95% confinfactor × Volatility of Surplus). The requirevariables ccalculatefollows: Varianof the surplus = 1002 × 10%2 + 902 × 5%2 – 2 × 100 × 90 × 10% × 5% × 0.8 = 48.25 Volatility of the surplus = 6.94 The expectesurplus = 9.7 Therefore, the lower bounof the 95% confininterv= 9.7 – 1.645 × 6.94 = -1.725 VaR_asst= 100*(-0.06+1.645*0.1)VaR_l= 90*(-0.07+1.645*0.05)95% surplus risk = sqrt(VaR_asst^2+VaR_l^2- 2*VaR_l*VaR_asst*0.8)如果可以,算出来结果是-1.3

2024-11-13 14:20 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2023101902000037问题如下 analyst reports the following funinformation to the aisor of a pension funthcurrently invests in government ancorporate bon ancarries a surplus of US10 million.To evaluate the sufficienof the funs surplus, the aisor estimates the possible surplus values the enof one year. The aisor assumes thannureturns on assets anthe annugrowth of the liabilities are jointly normally stributeantheir correlation coefficient is 0.8. The aisor creport that, with a confinlevel of 95%, the surplus value will greater thor equto: A.US-11.4 millionB.US-8.3 millionC.US-1.7 millionUS0 millionThe lower bounof the 95% confinintervis equto: ExpecteSurplus – (95% confinfactor × Volatility of Surplus). The requirevariables ccalculatefollows: Varianof the surplus = 1002 × 10%2 + 902 × 5%2 – 2 × 100 × 90 × 10% × 5% × 0.8 = 48.25 Volatility of the surplus = 6.94 The expectesurplus = 9.7 Therefore, the lower bounof the 95% confininterv= 9.7 – 1.645 × 6.94 = -1.725上一题的surplus risk跟这题的surplus value是不一样的对吗surplus risk用的是expectesurplus growth(增量)去计算,surplus value用的是expectesurplus?这样理解对吗

2024-11-06 22:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023101902000037 问题如下 analyst reports the following funinformation to the aisor of a pension funthcurrently invests in government ancorporate bon ancarries a surplus of US10 million.To evaluate the sufficienof the funs surplus, the aisor estimates the possible surplus values the enof one year. The aisor assumes thannureturns on assets anthe annugrowth of the liabilities are jointly normally stributeantheir correlation coefficient is 0.8. The aisor creport that, with a confinlevel of 95%, the surplus value will greater thor equto: A.US-11.4 million B.US-8.3 million C.US-1.7 million US0 million The lower bounof the 95% confinintervis equto: ExpecteSurplus – (95% confinfactor × Volatility of Surplus). The requirevariables ccalculatefollows: Varianof the surplus = 1002 × 10%2 + 902 × 5%2 – 2 × 100 × 90 × 10% × 5% × 0.8 = 48.25 Volatility of the surplus = 6.94 The expectesurplus = 9.7 Therefore, the lower bounof the 95% confininterv= 9.7 – 1.645 × 6.94 = -1.725 您看一下这道题,No.PZ2023101902000036 (选择题)Expectesurplus的计算方法到底用哪一个?

2024-11-02 15:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023101902000037问题如下 analyst reports the following funinformation to the aisor of a pension funthcurrently invests in government ancorporate bon ancarries a surplus of US10 million.To evaluate the sufficienof the funs surplus, the aisor estimates the possible surplus values the enof one year. The aisor assumes thannureturns on assets anthe annugrowth of the liabilities are jointly normally stributeantheir correlation coefficient is 0.8. The aisor creport that, with a confinlevel of 95%, the surplus value will greater thor equto: A.US-11.4 millionB.US-8.3 millionC.US-1.7 millionUS0 millionThe lower bounof the 95% confinintervis equto: ExpecteSurplus – (95% confinfactor × Volatility of Surplus). The requirevariables ccalculatefollows: Varianof the surplus = 1002 × 10%2 + 902 × 5%2 – 2 × 100 × 90 × 10% × 5% × 0.8 = 48.25 Volatility of the surplus = 6.94 The expectesurplus = 9.7 Therefore, the lower bounof the 95% confininterv= 9.7 – 1.645 × 6.94 = -1.725​expectesurplus不应该是100✘6%-7%✘90吗

2024-10-19 00:22 1 · 回答