Identify the most accurate description of ethical principles. They primarily revolve around:选项:
A.The collective perspective of a society on acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
B.Conduct deemed appropriate based on its overall impact, both direct and indirect, on individuals.
C.A set of behaviors outlined and enforced by governmental laws.
Option A is correct. Ethical principles are fundamentally based on the collective understanding and beliefs of a society regarding moral conduct. These principles form a guideline for behavior that is seen as good or bad by societal standards. The concept of ethics extends beyond the direct or indirect consequences of actions on others, which is a component but not the entirety of ethical considerations. Furthermore, ethical standards are distinct from legal regulations, as they define moral conduct that may not necessarily align with legal obligations; an action can be within legal bounds but still be considered unethical.handbook的ethics题目做起来太别扭了