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Flying马 · 2024年11月02日




Identify the most accurate description of ethical principles. They primarily revolve around:


A.The collective perspective of a society on acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

B.Conduct deemed appropriate based on its overall impact, both direct and indirect, on individuals.

C.A set of behaviors outlined and enforced by governmental laws.


Option A is correct. Ethical principles are fundamentally based on the collective understanding and beliefs of a society regarding moral conduct. These principles form a guideline for behavior that is seen as good or bad by societal standards. The concept of ethics extends beyond the direct or indirect consequences of actions on others, which is a component but not the entirety of ethical considerations. Furthermore, ethical standards are distinct from legal regulations, as they define moral conduct that may not necessarily align with legal obligations; an action can be within legal bounds but still be considered unethical.


1 个答案

追风少年_ 品职助教 · 2024年11月04日


这是Module 1里面Explian Ethics里面的一个知识点,不过因为在module1里面所以考察可能性不大,同学记住就好,原文在“Ethics encompasses a set of moral principles and rules of conduct that provide guidance for our behavior. The word “ethics” comes from the Greek word “ethos,” meaning character, used to describe the guiding beliefs or ideals characterizing a society or societal group. Beliefs are assumptions or thoughts we hold to be true. A principle is defined as a belief or fundamental truth that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or a chain of reasoning. Our beliefs form our values—those things we deem to have worth or merit.”。我们逻辑上来说伦理准则一定是社会共同接受的,才叫伦理准则,这么看B选项就排除了,C选项是法律,法律觉得对的社会伦理不一定对,所以排除C选项选择A选项。


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