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啊柚子熟了 · 2024年10月27日




The treasurer of a US bank isconcerned about potential future interest rate increases by the Federal Reserve(FED) and their impact on the bank’s net worth. After reviewing the bank’sstress testing framework, the treasurer asks a manager to consider including anadditional scenario in which the FED increases interest rates by 200 bps and toperform duration analysis on the scenario. The manager gathers information onthe bank’s balance sheet and the duration of each asset and liability item asprovided below:

Assuming the currentlevel of interest rates is 2%, which of the following is a correct statementfor the manager to make regarding this stress scenario?



A 200-bps increase in interest rates will cause the bank’s net worthto decrease by USD 27.4 million.


A 200-bps increase in interest rates will cause the bank’s net worth to decrease by USD 52.4 million.


Compared to the bank’s other balance sheet items, interest-bearing deposits will experience the smallest change in value given a 200-bps increase in interest rates.


In this scenario, utilizing USD 200 million of cash to first pay off USD 200 million of other borrowings in response to a 200-bps increase in interest rates will cause the value of the bank’s net worth to increase.


A is correct.

The duration of thebank’s assets and liabilities are as follows:

D Assets: (400 x 0 +400 x 1 + 600 x 5 + 1100 x 3)/2500 = 2.68

D Liabilities: (1000x 0.5 + 1200 x 4)/2200 = 2.41

And the effect of a200 bps increase in interest rates on the bank’s net worth can be calculated asfollows:

-(2.68 x 0.02 x2500)/1.02 – (-2.41 x 0.02 x 2200)/1.02 = -131.37 + 103.96 = -27.41


1 个答案

pzqa39 · 2024年10月28日


1、这道题的思路是利用久期分析来估算利率变动对银行净值的影响,题目要求分析在利率上升 200 个基点(即 2%)的情景下,银行的净值(资产减去负债的差值)如何受到影响。题目给出了每项资产和负债的久期,我们可以利用这些久期来近似估算利率变动对资产和负债价值的影响。


D Assets: (400 x 0 +400 x 1 + 600 x 5 + 1100 x 3)/2500 = 2.68

D Liabilities: (1000x 0.5 + 1200 x 4)/2200 = 2.41


银行的净值(Net Worth)等于总资产减去总负债。因此,净值的变化等于总资产的变化减去总负债的变化:

代入数据可以得到:-(2.68 x 0.02 x2500)/1.02 – (-2.41 x 0.02 x 2200)/1.02 = -131.37 + 103.96 = -27.41


  • 1

  • 0

  • 47


NO.PZ2023100905000035 问题如下 The treasurer of a US bank isconcerneabout potentifuture interest rate increases the FerReserve(FE antheir impaon the bank’s net worth. After reviewing the bank’sstress testing framework, the treasurer asks a manager to consir inclung anaitionscenario in whithe FEincreases interest rates 200 bps antoperform ration analysis on the scenario. The manager gathers information onthe bank’s balansheet anthe ration of eaasset anliability item asprovibelow:Assuming the currentlevel of interest rates is 2%, whiof the following is a correstatementfor the manager to make regarng this stress scenario? A.A 200-bps increase in interest rates will cause the bank’s net worthto crease US27.4 million. B.A 200-bps increase in interest rates will cause the bank’s net worth to crease US52.4 million. C.Compareto the bank’s other balansheet items, interest-bearing posits will experienthe smallest change in value given a 200-bps increase in interest rates. In this scenario, utilizing US200 million of cash to first poff US200 million of other borrowings in response to a 200-bps increase in interest rates will cause the value of the bank’s net worth to increase. A is correct.The ration of thebank’s assets anliabilities are follows:Assets: (400 x 0 +400 x 1 + 600 x 5 + 1100 x 3)/2500 = 2.68Liabilities: (1000x 0.5 + 1200 x 4)/2200 = 2.41Anthe effeof a200 bps increase in interest rates on the bank’s net worth ccalculateasfollows:-(2.68 x 0.02 x2500)/1.02 – (-2.41 x 0.02 x 2200)/1.02 = -131.37 + 103.96 = -27.41 除以1.02是什么意思?默认ration是麦考利ration?还有在哪里了?

2024-10-26 18:36 2 · 回答