Which of the following statements is most likely correct?
A.The internal controls policy of BHCs requires that senior management should furnish the board of directors with sufficient information to comprehend the BHC risk exposures.
B.A governance policy offers fundamental guidelines and principles to BHCs for the capital issuance, use, distribution, and planning purposes.
C.Suspension or reduction in dividends or repurchase programs do not fell under the capital policy of BHCs.
D.Designing and testing a scenario-related default of a major counterparty is an example of BHC stress testing and a stress scenario design policy.
The first statement
is the requirement of the governance policy and not the internal control
policy. The second statement falls under capital policy and not the governance
policy. Regarding the third statement, capital contingency plans (e.g.,
suspension or reduction in dividends or repurchase programs) are a key part of
capital policies of BHCs detailing the actions intended to be taken under
deficiencies in capital position. The fourth statement is correct. Many
different scenarios, including counterparty default, fall under the BHCs stress
testing and scenario design policy.