开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


C_M_ · 2024年10月22日




King Motors Acceptance Corporation (KMAC), the finance arm of KingMotors, issues an auto-loan asset-backed security that consists of a seniortranche, denoted Tranche A in the amount of $50 million and an interest paymentof 5 percent, and two subordinated tranches, denoted Tranches X and Zrespectively, each with a face amount of $35 million. Tranche X pays investorsannual interest at a rate of 6.5 percent while Tranche Z pays investors annualinterest at a rate of 7.5 percent. Which of the following methods of creditsupport would NOT affect the credit quality of subordinated Tranche X?


A.The total amount of the auto loans that make up theasset-backed issue is $125 million.

B.The weighted average interestrate on the auto loans making up the pool is 6.4 percent.

C.Any defaults on the part ofKing Motor’s customers will be first absorbed by Tranche Z.

D.KMAC has a reserve in theamount of $10 million that will remain on KMAC’s balance sheet.


An investor’s claimwhen purchasing an ABS is solely with the ABS and no longer with theoriginator. The fact that KMAC has $10 million set aside means nothing for theABS issue if it remains on KMAC’s balance sheet and is not part of the ABSissue. The other answer choices all describe forms of credit support that willsupport at least Tranches X and A, if not all 3 tranches. By having Tranche Zbe subordinate to Tranche X, Tranche X has additional support. Also, loans of$125 million are used to back asset-backed securities worth ($50 + $35 + $35) =$120 million, which means the issue, is over-collateralized. The weightedaverage interest rate paid on the securities is approximately 6.2%. If theweighted average interest rate on the loans that make up the pool is 6.4% thatmeans there is an excess spread between the loans and securities that alsoprovides support for the entire issue.


1 个答案

pzqa27 · 2024年10月22日


A说的是车贷的额度是125m,总的ABS发行额度50m+35m+35m=120m,那就说明ABS目前是overcollateral 的状态,那么对X信用质量是促进作用。

B说车贷的利率是6.4%。而ABS的利息是50/120*5%+35/120*6.5%+35/120*7.5%=6.17%, 因此存在一个excess spread,那么对X信用质量也是促进的作用。



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