Which of the following would Browne least likely consider a source of risk for the Tucker pension plan?
A.Workforce characteristics
B.The sponsor’s financial health
C.Common risk exposures between the sponsor and the fund
SolutionB is correct. The plan sponsor holds an investment-grade credit rating, and there are no indications of declining financial health.
A is incorrect. There are a substantial number of retirees, and the active employees are older, with long service records, suggesting many are nearing retirement. The current asset allocation is both illiquid in nature (newly launched private equity funds and directly owned undeveloped real estate) and volatile in value (small-cap equities). Given the workforce characteristics, the fund should likely be moving to a more current income-producing allocation and one that would reduce surplus volatility.
C is incorrect because 18%–19% of the fund’s assets are invested in the sponsor’s common stock. If the sponsor’s financial health declines, the value of fund assets will decline at precisely the same time the sponsor is required to make additional contributions. Because it is less likely to be able to do so when it is in poor financial health, this situation creates a greater risk of insolvency than if that allocation were in different assets.