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Tututu · 2024年10月22日




Which of the following statement is most accurate about the capital asset pricing model (CAPM)?



An risk-averse investor should at least hold some of the risk-free asset in his portfolio.


A high-risk stock which is measured as standard deviation of returns will have high expected returns in equilibrium.


All investors who take on risk will hold the identical risky asset in their portfolios.


C is correct.

Statement C is one of the CAPM's assumptions. A risk-averse investor would accept more risk only when a higher expected return is guaranteed. The CAPM assumes all investors are risk-averse.


1 个答案

Kiko_品职助教 · 2024年10月22日


A选项 风险厌恶投资者应该至少持有一些无风险资产。这个不一定,风险厌恶型的投资者既可以投资无风险资产,又可以通过无风险利率融资(borrow at risk-free rate)再去投资风险资产,所以不一定是持有risk-free asset,也可以是通过举杠杆获得risk-free asset。

B选项 以标准差衡量的高风险股票在均衡条件下可以获得更高的收益。在CAPM中,风险是用beta来衡量的,也就是只考虑系统性风险,不是standard deviation。

C选项 所有投资者在组合中都会持有相同的风险资产。这个考点是CAPM的假设,CAPM的假设之一是“Investors have homogeneous expectations or beliefs”,正因为所有投资者对市场、个股都有相同的预期,所以最终持有的风险资产都是相同的。


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NO.PZ2015121802000051问题如下Whiof the following statement is most accurate about the capitasset pricing mol (CAPM)?A.risk-averse investor shoulleast holsome of the risk-free asset in his portfolio.B.A high-risk stowhiis measurestanrviation of returns will have high expectereturns in equilibrium.C.All investors who take on risk will holthe inticrisky asset in their portfolios.C is correct.Statement C is one of the CAPM's assumptions. A risk-averse investor woulaccept more risk only when a higher expectereturn is guarantee The CAPM assumes all investors are risk-averse. B虽然是beta衡量,但是beta不是也跟s关吗?风险越高,beta越大,算出来的return不是越高吗?

2024-08-11 21:35 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015121802000051问题如下Whiof the following statement is most accurate about the capitasset pricing mol (CAPM)?A.risk-averse investor shoulleast holsome of the risk-free asset in his portfolio.B.A high-risk stowhiis measurestanrviation of returns will have high expectereturns in equilibrium.C.All investors who take on risk will holthe inticrisky asset in their portfolios.C is correct.Statement C is one of the CAPM's assumptions. A risk-averse investor woulaccept more risk only when a higher expectereturn is guarantee The CAPM assumes all investors are risk-averse. B的问题是什么意思,为什么错?C跟课本的假设也不一样啊,觉得解析不对,课本上没有说风险爱好者要持有同样资产吧?

2024-04-13 18:34 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015121802000051 问题如下 Whiof the following statement is most accurate about the capitasset pricing mol (CAPM)? A.risk-averse investor shoulleast holsome of the risk-free asset in his portfolio. B.A high-risk stowhiis measurestanrviation of returns will have high expectereturns in equilibrium. C.All investors who take on risk will holthe inticrisky asset in their portfolios. C is correct.Statement C is one of the CAPM's assumptions. A risk-averse investor woulaccept more risk only when a higher expectereturn is guarantee The CAPM assumes all investors are risk-averse. C可不可以翻译成,所有承担风险的投资者都持有一样的风险资产。这句话不太理解,为什么会持有相同的资产呢?具体对应capm的哪一个假设?

2023-11-19 18:19 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015121802000051 问题如下 Whiof the following statement is most accurate about the capitasset pricing mol (CAPM)? A.risk-averse investor shoulleast holsome of the risk-free asset in his portfolio. B.A high-risk stowhiis measurestanrviation of returns will have high expectereturns in equilibrium. C.All investors who take on risk will holthe inticrisky asset in their portfolios. C is correct.Statement C is one of the CAPM's assumptions. A risk-averse investor woulaccept more risk only when a higher expectereturn is guarantee The CAPM assumes all investors are risk-averse. 老师您好,看了其他对A的解答,还是不太清楚。可以请老师再一下,A为什么错可以吗?谢谢老师。

2023-08-29 14:30 1 · 回答