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139****0905 · 2024年10月22日




An investor identifies climate change policy risk as significant for a company given its carbon-intensive operations. This should be incorporated into the company's discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis by lowering its:


A.discount rate.

B.cost of capital.

C.revenue projections.


A. Incorrect because the investor should increase, not reduce, the company's discount rate. Here's an example: An investor is evaluating an oil and gas producer. The investor identifies climate change policy risk as significant for the company given its carbon-intensive operations and products. To incorporate this into a DCF analysis of the company, the investor may increase the discount rate to account for the risk that future cash flows could be impacted by unpredictable climate policy shifts.

B. Incorrect because the investor should increase, not reduce, the company's cost of capital. Here's an example: An investor is evaluating an oil and gas producer. The investor identifies climate change policy risk as significant for the company given its carbon-intensive operations and products. To incorporate this into a DCF analysis of the company, the investor may increase the discount rate [required rate of return, cost of capital] to account for the risk that future cash flows could be impacted by unpredictable climate policy shifts.

C. Correct because the investor should reduce revenue projections. Here's an example: An investor is evaluating an oil and gas producer. The investor identifies climate change policy risk as significant for the company given its carbon-intensive operations and products. To incorporate this into a DCF analysis of the company, the investor may reduce revenue projections based on government policies that subsidize alternative, renewable energy sources and electric alternatives for transportation. The forecasts would factor in various scenarios for the pace and impacts of the policy.


1 个答案

净净_品职助教 · 2024年10月22日




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NO.PZ2024021802000036 问题如下 investor intifies climate change polirisk significant for a company given its carbon-intensive operations. This shoulincorporateinto the company's scountecash flow (F) analysis lowering its: A.scount rate. B.cost of capital. C.revenue projections. Incorrebecause the investor shoulincrease, not rece, the company's scount rate. Here's example: investor is evaluating oil angprocer. The investor intifies climate change polirisk significant for the company given its carbon-intensive operations anprocts. To incorporate this into a F analysis of the company, the investor mincrease the scount rate to account for the risk thfuture cash flows coulimpacteunprectable climate polishifts.Incorrebecause the investor shoulincrease, not rece, the company's cost of capital. Here's example: investor is evaluating oil angprocer. The investor intifies climate change polirisk significant for the company given its carbon-intensive operations anprocts. To incorporate this into a F analysis of the company, the investor mincrease the scount rate [requirerate of return, cost of capital] to account for the risk thfuture cash flows coulimpacteunprectable climate polishifts.Correbecause the investor shoulrerevenue projections. Here's example: investor is evaluating oil angprocer. The investor intifies climate change polirisk significant for the company given its carbon-intensive operations anprocts. To incorporate this into a F analysis of the company, the investor mrerevenue projections baseon government policies thsubsize alternative, renewable energy sources anelectric alternatives for transportation. The forecasts woulfactor in various scenarios for the paanimpacts of the policy. A和B都是rece么

2024-10-18 22:03 1 · 回答