Ken Kawasaki, CFA, shares a building with a number of other professionals who are also involved in the investment management business. Kawasaki makes arrangements with several of these professionals, including accountants and lawyers, to refer clients to each other. An informal score is kept on the expectation the referrals will equal out over time, eliminating the need for any cash payments. Kawasaki never mentions this arrangement to clients or prospective clients. Does Kawasaki's agreement with the other building occupants most likely violate any CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct?
A.No. B.Yes, related to referral fees. C.Yes, related to communication with clients.解释:
B is correct because Standard VI(C) requires disclosure of any compensation, consideration, or benefit received from or paid to others for the recommendation of products or services. Even without cash changing hands the arrangement provides for a quid pro quo referral of clients and should be disclosed.A is incorrect because Kawasaki has violated the Standards.C is incorrect because this Standard has not been violated as it relates to disclosure to clients of the general principles of the investment process used and not disclosure of any compensation, consideration, or benefit received from or paid to others for the recommendation of products or services as Standard VI(C) requires.参考另外一道题目的逻辑,从业者需要告知客户他与其他合作方的合同,牵扯违反了communicate with client的问题。那本题为何不涉及与客户沟通的问题,而只是费用层面的问题。不太理解,希望可以把两题的思路对照着做解释,谢谢