Under what circumstances could the explanatory power of regression analysis be overstated?
选项: The
explanatory variables are not correlated with one another.
The variance of the error term decreases as the value of the dependent variable increases.
C.The error term is normally distributed.
D.An important explanatory variable is omitted that influences the explanatory variables included and the dependent variable.
If the true regression includes a third variable z that influences both y and x, the error term will not be conditionally independent of x, which violates one of the assumptions of the OLS model. This will artificially increase the explanatory power of the regression. Intuitively, the variable x will appear to explain more of the variation in y simply because it is correlated with z
1.解释力度的评价是不是看R平方或者adjusted R平方?R平方越高说明解释力度越高?