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肖肾客 · 2017年03月20日

问一道题:NO.PZ201601200500004406 第6小题 [ CFA II ]

* 问题详情,请 查看题干







您好关于这道题我想问问为什么公布DIVIDED 以后COST OF EQUITY 会下降到9%(这个9%是如何计算的)

还有MILLER 关于股息的假设不是说不会影响公司的价值吗


1 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2017年03月20日

题目中最后一个表格下面:Note: Current capital structure (indicated in italics) is $2 billion of debt, $8 billion of equity. 说明equity占比80%,查表可知cost of equity=10%

题目又说发放股利可以使得cost of equity下降1%,因此最终cost of equity=9%

这里cost of equity下降1%是题目给条件,不需要纠结。

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NO.PZ201601200500004406 20.0. 25.0. C is correct. The Gorn growth mol cuseto calculate the P/E the payout ratio vithe fferenbetween cost of equity angrowth. In this case, the payout ratio woul50%, cost of equity woulop from the current 10% (see table) to 9%, anthe growth rate is 7%. The leang P/E is 0.5/(0.09 – 0.07) = 25×. 9%没看到题干写呀?

2021-11-02 09:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601200500004406 老师好, 我看了大家的提问和之前老师的解答,我其实在做这道题的时候没有想到E应该怎么求。 虽然看到题目上有“\"Skylark’s competitors thpa vinappeto benefit from a 100 basis point rection in cost of equity, regaress of capitstructure. I assume Skylark’s cost of equity woulcline the same amount if it initiates a vin\"”但是我当时对‘a vin这个词比较困惑,难道不管公司结构如何,也不知道vin不是完全一样,然后只要有派息对应的Equity就都是下降一个点? 麻烦老师帮我讲下,谢谢。

2021-07-14 13:20 1 · 回答

想问下50% payout rate怎么得到E就是50%呢? 题中只说了v是50%的NI,并没有说是50%的equity,也没有给出NI与equity之间的关系,所以无法联系到E的计算,是我哪里看漏了吗?

2020-11-28 21:33 1 · 回答

20.0. 25.0. C is correct. The Gorn growth mol cuseto calculate the P/E the payout ratio vithe fferenbetween cost of equity angrowth. In this case, the payout ratio woul50%, cost of equity woulop from the current 10% (see table) to 9%, anthe growth rate is 7%. The leang P/E is 0.5/(0.09 – 0.07) = 25×. 这道题的考点是哪里?

2020-10-10 19:29 2 · 回答

请问为什么这道题要求leang p/E而不是trailing的呢?    

2019-02-07 17:51 1 · 回答