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153****2826 · 2024年10月16日




Which of the following is most accurate? With respect to property investments, investors should:


A.support research on climate risks.

B.screen investments for an ESG tilt as engagement is not possible.

C.prioritize engagement based on the property developer's credit quality.


A. Correct because property is also exposed to the physical impacts of climate change, which contributes to stranded asset risk. In addition, the UNEP Finance Initiative and others recommend that real estate investment stakeholders support research on ESG and climate risks.

B. Incorrect because the ESG approach usually applied in the sovereign debt asset class is screening or an ESG tilt in the investment process rather than engagement. Therefore, ESG tilts are preferred for sovereign debt, not for property investments, as engagement is possible in the latter case.

C. Incorrect because in relation to fixed income, PRI’s guide "ESG Engagement for Fixed Income Investors: Managing Risks, Enhancing Returns" recommends that investors prioritize engagement with issuers with lower credit quality (with less balance sheet flexibility to absorb negative ESG impacts). Therefore, this argument applies to fixed-income investments, not for property investments.


1 个答案

Carol文_品职助教 · 2024年10月16日


选项 A:支持对气候风险的研究

  • 正确:房地产投资也面临 气候风险,包括物理风险(如极端天气事件)和转型风险(如脱碳相关的政策变动)。
  • 气候变化可能导致搁浅资产(stranded assets)——即因环境因素而贬值或失去功能的资产。
  • 鉴于这些风险,联合国环境规划署金融倡议(UNEP FI)等机构建议房地产投资相关方支持ESG与气候风险研究,以改善投资决策和风险管理。

选项 B:筛选投资以实现ESG倾向,因为无法进行参与

  • 错误:在主权债券投资中,通常采用筛选(screening)或ESG倾向(ESG tilt)的方式。然而,在房地产投资中,投资者是可以参与(engage)的,并且参与通常是优先选择的方式。

选项 C:基于房地产开发商的信用质量优先进行参与

  • 错误:这个逻辑主要适用于固定收益投资,而非房地产投资。
  • 根据PRI(责任投资原则组织)的指南《固定收益投资者的ESG参与:风险管理与回报提升》,建议投资者优先与信用质量较低的发行人进行参与,因为这些发行人面临的财务弹性较弱,更容易受到负面ESG影响。
  • 房地产投资中,并不是依据开发商的信用质量来决定参与的优先级,而是更多关注开发项目本身的ESG表现及其气候风险管理能力。
