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一只🐶哆啦 · 2024年10月15日




Question A Swiss chemical company is considering issuing bonds to finance its planned expansion. A risk analyst involved in the capital raising program at the company is studying the external agency rating process to gain a better understanding of the implications of agency ratings for the firm’s financing plans. Which of the following statements is correct?



Agency ratings tend to produce identical default rates for companies in the same industry but located in different countries.


Empirically, changes in bond and stock prices tend to be greater in cases of ratings downgrades than ratings upgrades.


Rating agencies produce point-in-time ratings, as these are designed to provide the best current estimate of future default probabilities.


Rating agencies provide outlooks to indicate the potential for a change in rating in the short-term, and use watchlists to indicate medium-term changes.



B is correct. Most researchers agree that stock and bond markets’ reactions to ratings downgrades are significant, while the reaction to upgrades is less pronounced.

A is incorrect. While rating agencies strive for geographic consistency, historical data shows divergence in default rates between, U.S., European, and emerging market firms.

C is incorrect. Rating agencies produce through-the-cycle ratings, which reflect the long-term creditworthiness of firms, and are consistent with rating agencies’ goal of ratings stability.

D is incorrect. Outlooks indicate the most likely direction of a rating over the medium term, while placing a rating on a watchlist indicates a relatively short-term change is anticipated (usually within three months).

Section: Valuation and Risk Models

Learning Objective: Describe external rating scales, the rating process and the link between ratings and default. Describe the relationships between changes in credit ratings and changes in stock prices, bond prices, and credit default swap spreads.

Reference: Global Association of Risk Professionals. Valuation and Risk Models. New York, NY: Pearson, 2022. Chapter 4. External and Internal Credit Ratings.


1 个答案

pzqa39 · 2024年10月15日









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NO.PZ2023090401000079 问题如下 Question A Swiss chemiccompany is consiring issuing bon to finanits planneexpansion. A risk analyst involvein the capitraising progrthe company is stuing the externagenrating process to gain a better unrstanng of the implications of agenratings for the firm’s financing plans. Whiof the following statements is correct? A.Agenratings tento prointicfault rates for companies in the same instry but locatein fferent countries. B.Empirically, changes in bonanstoprices tento greater in cases of ratings wngras thratings upgras. C.Rating agencies propoint-in-time ratings, these are signeto provi the best current estimate of future fault probabilities. Rating agencies provi outlooks to incate the potentifor a change in rating in the short-term, anuse watchlists to incate meum-term changes. Explanation: B is correct. Most researchers agree thstoanbonmarkets’ reactions to ratings wngras are significant, while the reaction to upgras is less pronounce A is incorrect. While rating agencies strive for geographic consistency, historicta shows vergenin fault rates between, U.S., European, anemerging market firms. C is incorrect. Rating agencies prothrough-the-cycle ratings, whireflethe long-term cretworthiness of firms, anare consistent with rating agencies’ goof ratings stability. is incorrect. Outlooks incate the most likely rection of a rating over the meum term, while placing a rating on a watchlist incates a relatively short-term change is anticipate(usually within three months). Section: Valuation anRisk Mols Learning Objective: scriexternrating scales, the rating process anthe link between ratings anfault. scrithe relationships between changes in cret ratings anchanges in stoprices, bonprices, ancret fault swsprea. Reference: GlobAssociation of Risk Professionals. Valuation anRisk Mols. New York, NY: Pearson, 2022. Chapter 4. ExternanInternCret Ratings.

2024-03-19 19:48 1 · 回答