Which of the following benefits of securitization is most likely to
be important for investors?
A.Increased efficiency
Reduced liquidity risk
The ability to tailor interest rate and credit risk
Correct Answer: C
Securitization provides a direct conduit between
borrowers and investors. It also allows investors to tailor interest rate and
credit risk exposures to suit their specific risk, return, and maturity needs.
A is incorrect because securitization creates efficiency for issuers and
financial markets more directly than for investors. Securitization allows
issuers to sell illiquid assets and operate more efficiently on a risk-adjusted
basis. Moreover, because securitization creates tradable securities with higher
liquidity than the original underlying assets, it makes financial markets more
efficient. B is incorrect because securitization improves overall liquidity in
the financial system and reduces liquidity risk, which benefits participants in
financial markets.