C. Construct a three-month currency swap trade to hedge Queensland’s INR exposure. Calculate the all-in forward rate for the forward leg of the swap.
The India asset value has increased by 5%: INR 60,000,000 * (1 + 0.05) = INR 63,000,000
Thus, the size of the hedge should be increased from INR 60 million to INR 63 million when rolling over the futures contract using a currency swap.
Sebastian should use a mismatched swap, buying INR 60,000,000 at the spot rate (spot leg) against AUD to settle the maturing forward contract and then selling INR 63,000,000 at forward (forward leg) to increase the hedge size.
The forward leg of the swap would require selling INR 63,000,000 forward three months. Selling INR (foreign currency) is equal to buying AUD (base currency) in the INR/AUD quote.
Therefore, using offer-side forward points to calculate the three-month all-in forward rate for the forward leg of the swap:
54.84 + 80/100 = 54.84 + 0.8 = 55.64 INR/AUD
题干中short 6000000INR,所以hedge时buy INR and sell AUD,那为什么还要在去sell INR 63000000,没看懂