6. Gupta and the fund manager of Portfolio A discuss the differences among several active currency management methods.
Evaluate each statement independently and select the active currency approach it best describes. Justify each choice.
选项: 解释:
表述1:Technical Analysis技术分析方法是主要是基于三方面:认为在流动的自由交易的市场,历史价格已经反映了所有相关的数据信息,可以用来预测未来价格;历史价格呈现出的pattern将来会重复出现;没有必要关注价格应该是多少,而是关注价格将会在多少。
表述2 :carry trade策略,当两个国家的利率相差很多的时候,可以借低利率货币投资高利率货币。
表述3:economic fundamentals基本面分析指的是经过分析了账户赤字、通胀、利率等很多因素,找到了一个均衡价格(fair value,或者表述为equilibrium value),然后说当前汇率会向这个均衡水平收敛。例如当前的汇率相比于这个均衡价格高了,那么判断将来会贬值;如果比均衡价格低了,那么判断将来会升值。这种出现均衡水平,并向均衡价格收敛的表述,我们可以选择基本面分析。
- Statement 1 refers to the technical analysis. In technical analysis, it assumes that the current exchange rate can be helpful to projecting the future foreign exchange rate without analyzing fundamental factors such as inflation or interest rates.
- Statement 2 refer to carry trade. According to covered interest rate parity, the difference between domestic interest rate and foreign interest rate can provide carry trade opportunity to obtain profits by bearing currency exchange risks.
- Statement 3 refers to economical fundamental analysis. In economic fundamental analysis, portfolio manager emphasize the "fair value" of the currency exchange rate and assume the currency exchange rates will converge to the fair value in the long run.
老师这样写能得分么?就是技术分析、carry trade和economic fundamental都写了一些,但是没有答案里那么全。考试的时候需要像答案里那样写的面面俱到吗?