开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


王书晶 · 2024年10月04日




For which of the following types of ESG activity would it be easiest to analyze the impact on a portfolio's performance?


A.Exclusion of an industrial sector such as tobacco

B.Voting for shareholder proposals relating to climate change

C.Active engagement on issues of health and safety and workers' rights


A is correctbecause the attribution of returns to ESG factors is challenging, not leastbecause of the significant range of investment approaches that are included inthe broad realm of ESG investing. It is relatively easy to assess theperformance drag or enhancement that comes from excluding an industrial sector(such as tobacco), but it is hard to demonstrate the value added by a programof engagement, particularly given the timescales usually required forengagement programs to reach positive outcomes.

B is incorrectbecause the attribution of returns to ESG factors is challenging, not leastbecause of the significant range of investment approaches that are included inthe broad realm of ESG investing. It is relatively easy to assess theperformance drag or enhancement that comes from excluding an industrial sector(such as tobacco), but it is hard to demonstrate the value added by a programof engagement, particularly given the timescales usually required forengagement programs to reach positive outcomes.

C is incorrectbecause the attribution of returns to ESG factors is challenging, not leastbecause of the significant range of investment approaches that are included inthe broad realm of ESG investing. It is relatively easy to assess theperformance drag or enhancement that comes from excluding an industrial sector(such as tobacco), but it is hard to demonstrate the value added by a programof engagement, particularly given the timescales usually required forengagement programs to reach positive outcomes.

专家您好 请详细解释一下这题,不是很理解这题,且讲义依据是什么,谢谢

1 个答案

净净_品职助教 · 2024年10月07日


这道题的关键在于如何评估 ESG 投资活动对投资组合表现的影响,尤其是对于不同的 ESG 策略。

选项 A: 排除一个行业(例如烟草)


选项 B: 为与气候变化相关的股东提案投票

投票活动属于“治理”方面的 ESG 投资,但投票本身通常不会直接、立刻影响公司股价或投资组合的表现。这是因为投票的结果可能不会马上带来可见的财务结果,尤其是气候变化这类长期议题。通常来说,股东提案的长期影响需要时间才能反映在公司的经营业绩和市场表现中。因此,这类活动对投资组合的短期影响较难量化。

选项 C: 积极参与健康和安全、工人权利等问题

积极参与是指投资者与公司管理层沟通,推动公司在特定的 ESG 问题上改进。这类活动往往需要长期的投入,可能需要数年时间才能看到显著的成果。这使得衡量这种活动的效果更为复杂,因为很难将这些长期改善与短期的投资回报挂钩。同时,这类活动涉及的变量很多,不仅影响公司的 ESG 表现,还可能受到市场环境、经济周期等其他因素的影响,因此很难直接分析其对投资组合表现的影响。



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