20 futures contracts are used to hedge an exposure to the price of soybeans. Each futures contract is on 5,000 bushels. At the time the hedge is closed out, the basis is 20 cents per bushel. What is the effect of the basis on the hedger if (a) the purchase of soybeans is being hedged and (b) the sale of soybeans is being hedged?
The basis increases the net price after hedging by 20 * 5,000 * USD 0.20 or USD 20,000. In (a) this is an extra cost to the hedger. In (b) it is an extra amount received from the sale of soybeans.
那我是不是可以理解为,我long的期货是实现对冲了,只是没有完美对冲……然后在我结束这个long contract的时候,其实是要做一个short期货平仓,于是就是你们解释的,我按照现在的市场价格short一个80美分的期货,然后才能平我这个1美元买入的期货??