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eyn · 2024年09月20日

consumer surplus + producer surplus



QuestionIn the context of a price taker nation levying a tariff on an imported item:



the overall welfare of the nation improves.


there's an uptick in consumer surplus.


local producers experience a surge in producer surplus.



  1. Incorrect, as imposing a tariff in a country that is a price taker will not result in an overall increase in national welfare. While some entities might benefit, the aggregate effect is typically a deadweight loss.
  2. Incorrect, since levying a tariff usually results in increased prices for imported goods, causing a reduction in consumer surplus.
  3. Correct. Domestic producers will indeed benefit from the tariff as it offers protection against cheaper imports, leading to an increase in their producer surplus. However, this gain is often offset by the losses faced by consumers.

International Trade



1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2024年09月21日




 consumer surplus翻译为消费者剩余,是指消费者消费一定数量的某种商品愿意支付的最高价格与这些商品的实际市场价格之间的差额‌。它是衡量消费者福利的重要指标。



 producer surplus翻译为s生产者剩余。是指由于生产要素和产品的最低供给价格与当前市场价格之间存在差异而给生产者带来的额外收益‌




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NO.PZ2023071902000098问题如下 QuestionIn the context of a pritaker nation levying a tariff on importeitem: A.the overall welfare of the nation improves. B.there's uptiin consumer surplus.C.locprocers experiena surge in procer surplus. SolutionIncorrect, imposing a tariff in a country this a pritaker will not result in overall increase in nationwelfare. While some entities might benefit, the aggregate effeis typically a aeight loss.Incorrect, sinlevying a tariff usually results in increaseprices for importegoo, causing a rection in consumer surplus.Correct. mestic procers will inebenefit from the tariff it offers protection against cheaper imports, leang to increase in their procer surplus. However, this gain is often offset the losses faceconsumers. InternationTra•A不正确,因为在一个价格接受者的国家征收关税不会导致国家福利的总体增加。虽然某些实体可能会受益,但总体效果通常是无谓损失。B不正确,因为征收关税通常会导致进口商品价格上涨,导致消费者剩余减少。 C正确。国内生产商确实会从关税中受益,因为它提供了对廉价进口产品的保护,导致它们的生产商盈余增加。然而,这种收益往往被消费者面临的损失所抵消。 消费者剩余是指市场上还剩下的消费者?价格升高所以剩下的消费者就少了?

2024-06-23 19:28 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023071902000098 问题如下 QuestionIn the context of a pritaker nation levying a tariff on importeitem: A.the overall welfare of the nation improves. B.there's uptiin consumer surplus. C.locprocers experiena surge in procer surplus. SolutionIncorrect, imposing a tariff in a country this a pritaker will not result in overall increase in nationwelfare. While some entities might benefit, the aggregate effeis typically a aeight loss.Incorrect, sinlevying a tariff usually results in increaseprices for importegoo, causing a rection in consumer surplus.Correct. mestic procers will inebenefit from the tariff it offers protection against cheaper imports, leang to increase in their procer surplus. However, this gain is often offset the losses faceconsumers. InternationTra•A不正确,因为在一个价格接受者的国家征收关税不会导致国家福利的总体增加。虽然某些实体可能会受益,但总体效果通常是无谓损失。B不正确,因为征收关税通常会导致进口商品价格上涨,导致消费者剩余减少。 C正确。国内生产商确实会从关税中受益,因为它提供了对廉价进口产品的保护,导致它们的生产商盈余增加。然而,这种收益往往被消费者面临的损失所抵消。 生产商进口商品,征收关税后商品的价格不是更贵了吗?为什么还对生产商有益?C没看懂

2024-06-20 17:26 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023071902000098 问题如下 QuestionIn the context of a pritaker nation levying a tariff on importeitem: A.the overall welfare of the nation improves. B.there's uptiin consumer surplus. C.locprocers experiena surge in procer surplus. SolutionIncorrect, imposing a tariff in a country this a pritaker will not result in overall increase in nationwelfare. While some entities might benefit, the aggregate effeis typically a aeight loss.Incorrect, sinlevying a tariff usually results in increaseprices for importegoo, causing a rection in consumer surplus.Correct. mestic procers will inebenefit from the tariff it offers protection against cheaper imports, leang to increase in their procer surplus. However, this gain is often offset the losses faceconsumers. InternationTra•A不正确,因为在一个价格接受者的国家征收关税不会导致国家福利的总体增加。虽然某些实体可能会受益,但总体效果通常是无谓损失。B不正确,因为征收关税通常会导致进口商品价格上涨,导致消费者剩余减少。 C正确。国内生产商确实会从关税中受益,因为它提供了对廉价进口产品的保护,导致它们的生产商盈余增加。然而,这种收益往往被消费者面临的损失所抵消。 b 价格增加为什么消费者剩余会增加?价格增加不是越少人买吗?

2024-04-25 00:17 1 · 回答