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TinaWang · 2024年09月18日


答案判断及提示不正确 EU Taxonomy 對環境的考量應該是對六大環境目的的其中一個有具體貢獻,且不傷害另外5個,選項的答案A應該是對社會的貢獻,非考量環境的貢獻??
1 个答案

Carol文_品职助教 · 2024年09月18日



A: 遵守欧盟指定的最低社会和治理保障要求

B: 适用于所有欧盟成员国的基于原则的基础框架

C: 包含度量标准和门槛的Plus标准,以进一步确认和基准绿色活动和投资


A. 正确,因为欧盟分类法规定了经济活动被认为是环境可持续的条件,其中包括遵守欧盟指定的最低社会和治理保障要求。

B. 错误,因为基于原则的基础框架是东盟分类法的一部分,适用于所有东盟成员国,而不是欧盟分类法。

C. 错误,因为Plus标准也是东盟分类法的一部分,包含度量标准和门槛,用于进一步确认和基准合格的绿色活动和投资,而非欧盟分类法的一部分。





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NO.PZ2024021802000017 问题如下 Whiof the following is part of the EU Taxonomy for economic activity to consireenvironmentally sustainable? A.Complying with minimum, EU-specifiesociangovernansafeguar B.A principles-baseFountion Framework, whiis applicable to all EU member states C.The Plus Stanr with metrianthreshol to further qualify anbenchmark eligible green activities aninvestments Correbecause the EU Taxonomy Regulation states contions for economic activity to consireenvironmentally sustainable, inclung complying with minimum, EU-specifiesociangovernansafeguar.Incorrebecause the ASETaxonomy consists of two main elements (ASE2021), inclung a principles-baseFountion Framework, whiis applicable to all ASEmember states. So, this response is part of the ASEAN, not EU, taxonomy.Incorrebecause the ASETaxonomy consists of two main elements (ASE2021), inclung the Plus Stanr with metrianthreshol to further qualify anbenchmark eligible green activities aninvestments. So, this response is part of the ASEAN, not EU, taxonomy. A不太懂,麻烦讲解 一下

2024-07-09 06:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024021802000017 问题如下 Whiof the following is part of the EU Taxonomy for economic activity to consireenvironmentally sustainable? A.Complying with minimum, EU-specifiesociangovernansafeguar B.A principles-baseFountion Framework, whiis applicable to all EU member states C.The Plus Stanr with metrianthreshol to further qualify anbenchmark eligible green activities aninvestments Correbecause the EU Taxonomy Regulation states contions for economic activity to consireenvironmentally sustainable, inclung complying with minimum, EU-specifiesociangovernansafeguar.Incorrebecause the ASETaxonomy consists of two main elements (ASE2021), inclung a principles-baseFountion Framework, whiis applicable to all ASEmember states. So, this response is part of the ASEAN, not EU, taxonomy.Incorrebecause the ASETaxonomy consists of two main elements (ASE2021), inclung the Plus Stanr with metrianthreshol to further qualify anbenchmark eligible green activities aninvestments. So, this response is part of the ASEAN, not EU, taxonomy. 请以下B欧盟分类法不是principle-basefountion framework吗?它的适用范围不是全部欧盟成员国吗?

2024-05-10 17:00 2 · 回答