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Avalon · 2024年09月14日




When a CLO transaction experiences a collateral pool default:



senior tranche holders are guaranteed full repayment.


call features embedded in bonds likely affect junior tranches.


losses are distributed proportionately across all the tranches.


Correct Answer: B

A complicating factor of a default can be the call features embedded in bonds. While exercising call options on debt would replenish the collateral pool, distributing these proceeds to the senior and mezzanine tranches would shrink the size of the collateral pool, further narrowing the earnings potential with junior tranches receiving the least cash flow. A is incorrect because senior tranches are then in danger of not receiving some or any payments, depending on the size of the default. C is incorrect because losses would first be absorbed by junior tranche investors, with remaining losses realized by the other tranches in order of repayment seniority.


1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2024年09月15日


这题考察的是底层资产提前call回取得的现金流会印象equity tranche的收益,因为提前偿还的借款无法持续获得收益,所以整个资产池收益下降,直接影响equity层的收益。

CLO和CDO基本上是一致的哈。底层资产都是公司的debt,然后打包发行CDO/CLO。区别就是CLO的底层资产多为floating-rate debt。这就决定了CLO的Cash flow更容易受到短期利率/浮动利率的影响。而CDO的底层资产通常就是fixed debt。剩下两者基本没有区别。

在经济下行的时候,利率会下降,所以CLO的底层资产floating-rate debt收到的cash flow会下降,这会导致CLO的cash flow下降。所以在经济不好的时候,CLO受到的不利影响会更多一点,表现相对差一点。


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NO.PZ2023120801000135 问题如下 When a CLO transaction experiences a collaterpoolfault: A.senior tranche holrs are guaranteefull repayment. B.call features embeein bon likely affejuniortranches. C.losses are stributeproportionately across all thetranches. CorreAnswer: complicating factor of a fault cthe callfeatures embeein bon. While exercising call options on wouleplenish the collaterpool, stributing these procee to the senior anezzanine tranches woulshrink the size of the collaterpool, furthernarrowing the earnings potentiwith junior tranches receiving the least cashflow. A is incorrebecause senior tranches are then in nger of notreceiving some or any payments, penng on the size of the fault. C isincorrebecause losses woulfirst absorbejunior tranche investors,with remaining losses realizethe other tranches in orr of repaymentseniority. 麻烦老师讲解一下具体的知识点和

2024-10-03 22:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023120801000135 问题如下 When a CLO transaction experiences a collaterpoolfault: A.senior tranche holrs are guaranteefull repayment. B.call features embeein bon likely affejuniortranches. C.losses are stributeproportionately across all thetranches. CorreAnswer: complicating factor of a fault cthe callfeatures embeein bon. While exercising call options on wouleplenish the collaterpool, stributing these procee to the senior anezzanine tranches woulshrink the size of the collaterpool, furthernarrowing the earnings potentiwith junior tranches receiving the least cashflow. A is incorrebecause senior tranches are then in nger of notreceiving some or any payments, penng on the size of the fault. C isincorrebecause losses woulfirst absorbejunior tranche investors,with remaining losses realizethe other tranches in orr of repaymentseniority. 本题B为何意思,对应知识点是什么

2024-10-01 15:31 1 · 回答